So it seems that if it was just down to anatomy, 因此 仅从生理结构的角度来看的话 all mammals would have the ability to talk. 所有的哺乳动物都应具有讲话的能力 The main conclusion that I draw from all this work is that 在这...
Scientists believed they knew the answer. 科学家曾以为他们找到了答案 It was all down to our unique anatomy. 原因在于我们独特的生理结构 We have a larynx, or voice box, 我们拥有喉 或者说声匣 that's fixed low down in...
It's remarkable 值得注意的是 that no other animal has ever developed speech. 没有任何其它动物曾拥有自己的语言 What is it that makes us unique? 是什么让我们这么独特 Do this, Vicky. 跟我学 薇琪 Another sound resembl...
By the time a child is five, 到孩子五岁的时候 they'll know as many as 5,000 words. 他们可以识得五千个单词 My voice changes when I get in a situation. 当我进入不同状态时 声音就会改变 That requires a rather precise pla...
Despite the mountains of video footage, 尽管影像记录堆积如山 Deb Roy is already uncovering the intricate effect 戴布罗伊已经发现了日常生活 daily life has on language development. 对语言发展的复杂作用 It seems cooing t...
My focus and my aim was to capture the phase 我的研究重点以及目标在于 up to the two-word utterance 捕捉逐渐形成双词的过程 and that could happen anywhere 这一过程可能出现在 between second and third birthday. 两周岁到三...
The wonder of language may not yet be fully understood. 也许人们尚未完全领会语言的奇妙之处 But how we start to talk is now being observed 不过现在 我们开始讲话的过程 minute by minute for the first time. 首次被分分秒秒...
Cameras and microphones recorded 摄像机和麦克风不分昼夜地 every second of Deb's son's life 记录着戴布儿子的生活 from the moment he was born until he was three-years-old. 从他出生的那一刻起直到三岁为止 Capturing in...
For most of us it just happens. 对于大多数人 说话是自然而然的事 It's such a sophisticated skill 这是一项精妙复杂的技能 and yet children learn it so easily with minimal effort at all. 而孩子们却能够轻而易举地掌握...
Hi, baby! 你好 宝宝 From the moment we're born, 从出生的那一刻起 we have language in our lives. 语言就存在于我们的生活中 Hi, baby! 你好 宝宝 A unique ability that defines us as human. 这种独特的能力将我们界定为人...