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  • 单身也精彩:珍惜独处的时间 好好生活

    All too often, women are in a hurry. We want to hurry up and find THE GUY, get married, have babies, buy a house, etc. We don't enjoy the seasons of life we are in. 女人总是生活得匆匆忙忙。我们想要赶快找到自己的梦中情人、结...

  • 单身也精彩:珍惜独处的时间 好好生活

    All too often, women are in a hurry. We want to hurry up and find THE GUY, get married, have babies, buy a house, etc. We don't enjoy the seasons of life we are in. 女人总是生活得匆匆忙忙。我们想要赶快找到自己的梦中情人、结...

  • 美国单身母亲终于找到好归宿:嫁给自己

    This woman has only herself to blame if her latest marriage fails. 要是目前这桩婚事出现什么问题,这名新娘可怪不了别人。 Beautiful Existence a 42-year-old mother of two from Seattle who legally changed her name from Desiree L...

  • 你会单身到老吗?

    Website uses an algorithm to predict when you will find The One (or whether you're destined to stay single). 有一个网站能利用某种算法来预测:你什么时候才能找到另一半(或者你注定只能单身一辈子了)。 It's a d...

  • 你会单身到老吗?

    Website uses an algorithm to predict when you will find The One (or whether you're destined to stay single). 有一个网站能利用某种算法来预测:你什么时候才能找到另一半(或者你注定只能单身一辈子了)。 It's a d...

  • 报告显示:高学历女性在中国最容易单身

    Men with lower educational qualifications and women with higher ones are more prone to being single in China, researchers have shown. Women with a doctoral degree are often joked about as people of the third gender in China. 近日,有相关研究人...

  • 据说单身久了,内心独白会变成这样。。

    单身有它的好处。但单身久了,我们也会感到沮丧,那种剩者为王的士气会变弱,偶尔还会胡思乱想。鉴于女性更多愁善感,所以本篇的内心独白将主要采用女性视角。 1. I am more than positive...

  • 单身独居者多 纽约微型公寓受捧

    The apartments in a new Manhattan building boast little balconies, tall ceilings, dishwashers and storage space. All in 360 square feet or less. 这是一栋位于曼哈顿的新建公寓楼,号称阳台小巧、垂直空间大,洗碗机、储藏室...

  • 致单身的人:你真准备好要谈恋爱了吗?

    1. You're just in love with the concept of love. 你只是喜欢爱情本身的美好。 Clich but this is most likely the situation if you think a relationship will save your life's monotony. People always have a romanticized notion of what having a...

  • 一辈子单身很难吗?

    Is it hard to live as a bachelor your whole life? 一辈子单身很难吗? 获得10.7k好评的答案@Jay Bazzinotti Yes it is and sucks more and more as you get older. Speaking as a single, 54 year old man who has never been married I can tell yo...
