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  • 二战启示录 第50期:大屠杀的源起(14)

    They will suffer. 他们将受苦。 An early cold front swifts through beginning in November 1941. 1941年11月初一道早冬的冷锋迅速通过苏联。 Temperatures will plummet to almost minus 40 degree celsius. 气温将骤降到零下40摄氏度...

  • 二战启示录 第49期:大屠杀的源起(13)

    Along this enormous front, from Leningrad to Odessa, the thrust towards Moscow seems unstoppable. 德军沿着这条从列宁格勒延伸到敖得萨的超长战线前进,似乎没有什么能阻挠他们朝莫斯科推进。 The Germans take anoth...

  • 二战启示录 第48期:大屠杀的源起(12)

    But they decided that this process is too slow, 但他们觉得这么做速度太慢, so they order long common graves to be dug and make that victims lie down on top of the last group of dead bodies. 他们于是命犹太人挖掘长形合葬墓。然...

  • 二战启示录 第47期:大屠杀的源起(11)

    He goes on The Ukrainians will come up to us, smiling, filled with joy. 他继续写道:乌克兰人带着微笑走向我们,他们十分喜悦。 The women will bring us bread and honey. 妇女送我们面包和蜂蜜。 They saw us as their lib...

  • 二战启示录 第46期:大屠杀的源起(10)

    They are joined by many peasants and farmers who may train to fight. 许多佃农和农民加入他们,他们便训练那些人作战。 They hunt down traitors and disrupt the enemy's communication lines. 他们追捕卖国贼并破坏敌人的交通...

  • 二战启示录 第45期:大屠杀的源起(9)

    He orders the factories along with their machines and their workers to relocate to the East, to the Ural mountains. 他命各工厂,将工厂、机器和工人运至东部的乌拉山区。 And he gives farmers and peasants an absolute order Leave,...

  • 二战启示录 第44期:大屠杀的源起(8)

    Still, the Germans are better armed and their army is stronger. 不过,德国的武器装备较精良,他们的军队也比较强。 But these Ivans that they call the Russians will fight to the nail until the very end. 但这些被德国人称为伊...

  • 二战启示录 第43期:大屠杀的源起(7)

    Burning the bodies is one way eliminating them. 焚烧尸体是湮灭证据的方法之一。 On the central front, General Guderian, the tank strategist and proponent of blitzkrieg is held up by the Stalin Line. 在中部的前线坦克车战略家兼...

  • 二战启示录 第42期:大屠杀的源起(6)

    More than 3,000 tanks, 7,000 cannons, 3,000 aeroplanes. 德军出动三千多辆坦克车、七千多座大炮、三千多架飞机。 Within 24 hours, 1,500 Soviet aircrafts are wiped out on the ground. 不到二十四小时,一千五百架苏联飞...

  • 二战启示录 第41期:大屠杀的源起(5)

    He turns out to be a top ranking Nazi, Hitler's deputy, Rudolf Hess. 原来他是高阶纳粹党员,希特勒的副官鲁道夫赫斯。 He says: I have come on a mission of peace. 他说:我受命前来与你们谈和。 Hess was one of Hitler's...
