[00:01.10]Have a picnic. 去野餐 [00:01.60]No. 不 [00:45.06]Denver, Colorado. 丹佛市 科罗拉多州 [01:01.42]Where are we? 我们到哪了? [01:01.94]What are you doing? 你在干什么? [01:03.54]You'll see. 等着瞧吧 [01:27.42]It's a goo...
[00:02.90]We're soldiers home on leave, and my friends here are troubled. 我们是回家休假的军人 这里我的朋友有困难 [00:06.02]Cheaver has a very bad back and a broken marriage Cheaver的后背受过重伤 而且婚姻破裂 [00:11.10...
[00:03.62]even if it doesn't work, you can still pleasure her. 即使那里不行了 你仍然可以满足她 [00:04.30]Well... 其实... [00:07.30]That's true. 这话没错 [00:08.30]Yep. He can do threesomes. 是啊 他可以玩3P [00:11.98]With an...
[00:02.22]It was a red light. 当时是红灯 [00:03.42]There's nothing I could do. He stopped... 我来不及了 他停的太... [00:04.98]I can't fucking afford it! 我怎么赔的起! [00:08.10]Hey, guys. 嘿 伙计们 [00:11.06]I think it opened...
[00:01.22]Yeah. 是么 [00:02.74]But, you know, since Alan's been in charge, 但是 知道么 自从Alan接管以后 [00:05.62]he's just been running the company into the ground, 他一直把公司搞的一团糟 [00:07.62]and then that lawsuit... yo...
[00:03.22]I come home, and... 我回家了 接着... [00:07.86]Why do... Why do you want a divorce? 为什么... 为什么你希望离婚? [00:10.66]I didn't plan it this way. 我本不这么打算的 [00:11.54]It just happened. You were gone. 只是这...
[00:01.22]Shit. 该死 [00:05.50]What the fuck were you thinking? 见鬼你刚怎么想的? [00:08.26]I was thinking I had two fucking nut cases throwing shit, getting into a fight. 我在想有两个该死的疯子在对骂 似乎还要大打出手...
[00:06.06]You must be a good dancer, huh? 你跳舞一定跳得很好 嗯? [00:08.66]Oh, no. My wife's a good dancer. 噢 不是 我太太跳得很好 [00:12.14]I just try to keep up. 我只是尽量配合 [00:14.06]She loves all those Latin dances. 她...
[00:15.54]If we go down in the water... 如果我们掉进水里... [00:17.82]you're gonna be sitting pretty. 你会很有利的 [00:20.10]What? 什么意思? [00:22.26]I said if we crash in the ocean, your donut's gonna come in handy. 我是说如果我...
[00:01.50]The key is listening to the signals and hearing what they're saying. 关键在于要听清楚那些信号 并理解其涵义 [00:04.54]If she touches you soft, 如果她温柔地抚摸你 [00:06.86]that's how she wants to be touched. 那表示...