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  • 想要工作时间少,移居城市要选好

    If you work to live rather than the other way around, a jaunt across the Channel could be a wise career move. 如果你是为了生活而工作,而不是为了工作而生活,那么越过英吉利海峡吧,也许你为职业发展迈出了明智的...

  • 澳大利亚研究员:年过40的人每周工作三天状态最好

    A three-day-week gets the best performance from workers aged over 40, a study has found. 一项研究发现,40岁以上的人如果每周上三天班,工作表现将会达到最佳。 Researchers found the cognitive performance of middle-aged peo...

  • 怎样实现对自我工作的满足感?

    Swati Veera答道 Job satisfaction is important for living a (relatively) stress free life as we spend most of our time at workplace. You realise you are not satisfied with your job when you drag your feet to workplace every Monday. For most people l...

  • 找工作需考虑哪些要素?

    Shannon Harrington答道: 1. It varies for everyone, because people prioritize things differently. 1.这得视乎个人情况,因为每个人关注的点都不一样。 2. Learning. 2. 吸收新知识。 As a new grad, and if you aren't learning,...

  • 不好好工作还能做点什么?

    Three hours a day is quite enough, wrote John Maynard Keynes in his 1930 essay Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren. The essay continues to tantalise its readers today, thanks in part to a forecast that is looking magnificently right that in...

  • 10种未来最需要的工作,看看你适合什么?

    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, every major occupational group, with the exception of farming and fishing occupations, are expected to gain jobs in the next 10 years. That being said, the possibilities are endless when it comes to pickin...

  • 工作场合受欺凌?5招高智商碾压对方

    What happens to bullies when they grow up? One would hope these mean girls and guys would stop their antics, but that may not always happen. Some of them graduate to workplace bullying. It seems like something we shouldn't even have to think about on...

  • 在工作中战胜文化差异的方法

    In todays world, we see a lot of cultural barriers at the workplace. Thanks to globalization, people work in increasingly diverse environments, which means a mixture of cultures under the same organization. Sometimes, this can do more harm than good...

  • 奇葩工作大盘点 看有没有你的菜

    One of the world's most remote inhabited islands is on the lookout for a new farmer, but with just one village and a population of only 265 people moving there may not be everyone's cup of tea. 最近,世界上最偏僻的小岛之一正忙着招一位...

  • 讨厌新工作?7招拯救即将狗带的你

    If only it were possible to really know what a job will be like, before you take it. Unfortunately, no matter how carefully you prepare and weigh the pros and cons before accepting a new position, there's no way to be 100 percent sure what you're get...
