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  • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂卖弄篇27

    第三部 第一节:新生的自我介绍 —— 给新同学留个好印象! [1] Hello everybody. My name is Stone. I come from Guangdong province in China. I am very happy to come here to study...

  • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇26


  • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇25

    第二部 第八节:成语的挑战 —— 体现地道英语真功夫! Kill Two Birds With One Stone 一举两得 / 一箭双雕 A: Is there anything I can do for you, Stone? I’d like to help y...

  • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇24

    第二部 第六节:三最短文 Jiang calls for strengthened positive role of U. N. 江泽民主席要求加强联合国的积极作用 [1] Chinese President Jiang Zemin on Wednesday called for the...

  • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇23

    第二篇:签证面试 —— 虚拟语气 A Visa Interview [1] Kelly didn’t do as well as she should have at her visa interview today. She didn't get the visa, and she realizes now that she shoul...

  • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇22

    第五节:语法大战 —— 在短文中操练语法! 第一篇:海洋度假村 —— 大战形容词和副词最高级 The Ocean Resort Hotel [1] Cindy and Jim took a vacation last year at t...

  • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇21

    【额外奉献二】 十个含发音 [ ei ] 的单词: 1. ancient (adj.) 古代的;古老的;远古的 Xi’an was once an ancient capital. (西安曾是一个古代的都城。) 2. behavio...

  • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇20

    5. amaze (v.) 使……大为惊讶;使惊愕 I am amazed by what you have told me. (我听到你说的话感到惊讶。) We were amazed by your English! (我们对你的英语感到惊讶!)...

  • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇19

    5. amaze (v.) 使……大为惊讶;使惊愕 I am amazed by what you have told me. (我听到你说的话感到惊讶。) We were amazed by your English! (我们对你的英语感到惊讶!)...

  • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇18

    【额外奉献一】 十个a 字母开头的单词: 1. abroad(adv.)在国外;出国;(在)海外 I’m thinking of going abroad to study next year. (我在考虑明年到国外去学习。...
