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  • 社交礼节看过来:加拿大是如何打招呼的?

    Hi. If you replied hi back, then youre already well on your way to becoming a naturalizedCanadian citizen. 在加拿大,如果有人对你说Hi,你也自然地回了句Hi,好了!你可正奔驰在成为当地公民的康庄大道上呢! Im not...

  • 实用社交网络用语大盘点


  • 社交媒体倒逼奢侈品牌平民化

    Jos de Cabo spends a lot of time on social media. But unlike most people who post on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with friends and family, Mr. de Cabo and his team of more than 140 people primarily based in New York and London have another goal. 若...

  • 社交媒体吐槽:中国校服太丑啦!

    According to the latest buzz on social media, Chinese school uniforms are ugly. A frenzy of complaints from students spread across various social media platforms when teachers defended the practical aspects of the uniforms. 最近社交媒体槽声一片...

  • 晋升社交达人:教你如何用英语寒暄

    罗马不是一天建成的,口语是需要日积月累的。当你偶遇某位熟人时,不要老说how are you了,试试下面几句常用的口语寒暄吧。 1. What a pleasant surprise! 真是个惊喜啊! 2. What brings you here today? 今天...

  • 实用社交技巧:8招教你记住别人的名字

    One of the toughest things to do when getting to know people professionally is remembering their names. And it's also an extremely useful skill to have when you're networking. Showing a stranger that you remembered her name can portray you as someone...

  • 社交礼节知多少 你会和加拿大人打招呼吗

    Hi. If you replied hi back, then youre already well on your way to becoming a naturalized Canadian citizen. 在加拿大,如果有人对你说Hi,你也自然地回了句Hi,好了!你可正奔驰在成为当地公民的康庄大道上呢! Im...

  • 社交苦手?最适合内向者的10大高薪职业

    10. Social media manager 10.社交媒体经理 Median annual pay: $45,000 平均年薪:$45,000(¥279,338) Introverts don't dislike people, they just get exhausted by constantly being around them. But since social media managers specialize in v...

  • 7个小贴士,赢得社交场合的好感

    Being likable is entirely under your control. All it takes is the ability to pick up a few key social skills that build emotional intelligence (EQ). 受欢迎与否完全是可以由你自己来掌控的。你只需掌握一些用来修炼情商的社交...

  • 商务礼节美语第183期:Social Networking 社交关系 (下)

    Jimmy因为天性腼腆,所以每逢社交活动,一律能推就推。同事Brad和Pam想帮他克服这个障碍。Pam问 Jimmy, P: When you are walking down the street, do you judge the people you see? J: Not really. Maybe only if they're weari...
