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  • 英文科普:与群体联系紧密的人渴望牺牲个人利

    People with extremely strong ties to their countries or groups are not only willing, but eager, to sacrifice themselves to save their compatriots(同胞) , according to new psychology(心理学) research from The University of Texas at Austin...

  • 英文科普:爬墙机器人研制成功

    Wielding(使用,挥舞) two claws, a motor and a tail that swings like a grandfather clock's pendulum(钟摆) , a small robot named ROCR (rocker) scrambles up(迅速爬上,拼凑) a carpeted, 8-foot wall in just over 15 seconds the fi...

  • 英文科普-西方饮食易导致注意力不集中

    A new study from Perth's Telethon Institute for Child Health Research shows an association between ADHD and a 'Western-style' diet in adolescents. The research findings have just been published online in the international Journal of Attention Disorde...

  • 英文科普:儿童遭受体罚可导致将来患心脏病

    Childhood physical abuse(身体虐待) is associated with significantly elevated(提高的,高尚的) rates of heart disease in adulthood, according to new findings by University of Toronto researchers, published in this month's issue of th...

  • 英文科普:全球变暖导致红海珊瑚生长缓慢

    In a pioneering use of computed tomography (CT) scans, scientists at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) have discovered that carbon dioxide (CO2)-induced global warming is in the process of killing off a major coral species in the Red Sea. A...

  • 英文科普:健康的思想能造就一个健康的体魄

    Happier youths are also healthier youths, according to Emily Shaffer-Hudkins and her team, from the University of South Florida in the US. Adolescents' positive emotions and moods, as well as their satisfaction with life, could be more important than...

  • 英文科普-卫生保健药品需要人性化

    Doctors in the Department of Pathology(病理学) at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) have issued A Call to Action for the medical profession to catch up with the technology and business communities in the application of genomics(基因...

  • 英文科普:火星环境曾经适宜生物的生存

    Conditions favourable to life may once have existed all over Mars. Detailed studies of minerals found inside craters(火山口) show that liquid water was widespread, not only in the southern highlands, but also beneath the northern plains. ESA's...

  • 英文科普:方向感是与生俱来的

    Are we born with an innate(先天的,固有的) sense of direction, or is it learned? Research from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology's Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience(神经系统科学) suggests that the brain co...

  • 英文科普:参与艾滋病毒形成的蛋白质结构图完

    Researchers at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine and University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) have created a three-dimensional picture of an important protein that is involved in how HIV -- the virus responsible for AIDS -- is pro...
