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  • 英语新词:说说"有异性没人性"的朋友


  • 英语新词:"奈特尔"家庭是什么样的?

    Not Enough Time To Enjoy Life, or NETTEL, refers to the risingpool of households headed by two high-income-earning, full-time-working parents with dependent children. NETTEL(Not Enough Time To Enjoy Life,无暇享受生活,简称奈特尔)指夫妻...

  • 英语新词:“学位夫人”你知道什么意思吗?

    Possible holders of an MRS degree are women who attendcollege just to meet potential husbands with high socialstanding and future earning potential. 有些女孩子上大学就是为了找到一个有地位又有经济前景的老公,这样的女孩子...

  • 英语新词:“老妈表情”怎么说?

    两人恋爱进入稳定期以后自然会想要把对方介绍给自己的家人,有时候孩子喜欢的人,老妈却不一定看得上,于是就有了老妈看到儿子女朋友时候的老妈表情。 Mom look is the look you get when your...

  • 英语新词:旅游业新词“男性假期”

    The concept of a gender specific trip has been around since thefirst caveman took his club and went hunting with the others inthe tribe. Yet, mancation has become a buzzword in the travelbusiness lately. 虽说同性出游这样的形式在人类始祖...

  • 英语新词:小长假你“假装度假”?

    Fakeation is the unusual practice of staying at home but tellingeveryone you're away. 假装度假指明明待在家里,却告诉别人你出去玩了。 Some take a selfie that looks like theyre on holiday and post iton social media, some go so fa...

  • 英语新词:先逛店后网购的“展厅现象”

    把实体店当成展厅,去看看样子试试大小比比价格,然后再网购,是不是你也经常这么做?这就是展厅现象。 Bookstore owners everywhere have a lurking suspicion: that the customers who type into their smartphones wh...

  • 英语新词:网络时代的“公民新闻”

    Civic journalism (also known as public journalism) is the idea of integrating journalism into the democratic process. The media not only informs the public, but it also works towards engaging citizens and creating public debate. 公民新闻也称为公...

  • 英语新词:赞助结婚正风行 sponsoring a wedding

    The idea of sponsoring a wedding may have your head spinning, but it's growing in popularity. 赞助结婚?这个想法你听了可能有点儿晕,但现在愈发流行。 Some enterprising couples have invited more than close friends and relatives...

  • 英语新词:什么是“免费素食主义”?

