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  • 单词超市第3期 swell

    今天要学的一个词是:swell。Swell就是肿,打肿了脸充胖子的肿。可是,swell这个词还可以用在别的场合。美国报纸在报导以色列轰炸黎巴嫩时说,以色列同意让人道援助...reach the swelling ranks...

  • 单词超市第2期 up someone's sleeve

    今天我们要学一个词组: up someone's sleeve。千万不要解释为在谁的袖子上。Up someone's sleeve是指某人的秘密。在报导美国国务卿秘密访问贝鲁特时,报纸说:...if there were no secret visit up the Admini...

  • 万花筒 2009-09-01&09-02 老奶奶抢超市,电击收银员

    When she put it up against my t-shirt, that's what was left afterwards. You can see the red burn marks on Dannie Bolerjack's side. Her direct words were, you have a 120 volts of electricity ready to go into you, so don't do anything that you're going...

  • 单词超市第117期 nose dive

    Sorry,there is not text temporarily, Please help tingroom to look for it! 如果您能找到更好的听力原文,请发贴到 听力原文收集区 ,您将会获得10到30积分的奖励! Thank you!...
