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  • 英语歌曲:All Good Things一切美好的事

    祖籍葡萄牙,出生成长于加拿大,葡萄牙裔加拿大籍,拥有吉普赛血统,精通英文、葡萄 牙语,以及西班牙文的Nelly Furtado,一边轻声浅唱着,一边合着吹口哨的声音,流露一 缕淡淡的伤感。...

  • 英语歌曲:All the things she said

    All the things she said (Both)All the things she said 她所说的每句话 (Both)All the things she said 她所说的每句话 (Both)Running through my head 在我脑海里盘旋飞舞 (Both)Running through my head 在我脑海里盘旋飞舞 (Both)...

  • 音乐咖啡厅:Jedward - All the Small Things

    音乐咖啡厅:Jedward - All the Small Things 相关介绍:爱尔兰男团 Jedward 是继苏珊大妈之后从英国电视选秀大赛中走红的明星组合。杰德沃德(Jedward) 由1991年出生的同卵双胞胎兄弟John Grimes和Edward Gri...

  • 电影歌曲:Things Have Changed《一切都已改变》73届奥

    Things Have Changed《一切都已改变》73届奥斯卡最佳 演唱者:Bob Dylan . 第七十三届奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲。由西洋音乐史上最具代表性的巨擘人物鲍勃-迪伦(Bob Dylan)自1973年后近30年来首度再次为电...

  • 英语歌曲:Littlest Things


  • 英语歌曲:All good things

    All good things honestly what will become of me i don't like reality it's way too clear to me but really life is daily we are what we don't see we missed everything daydreaming flames to dust lovers to friends why do all good things come to an end fl...

  • 购物英语对话-Getting Things Fixed(3)

    A: Did you need help with something? B: I'm having a problem with my washing machine. A: What is wrong with it? B: The water isn't draining from it. A: Is that the only problem? B: Everything else is working fine. A: I'm available if you'd like me to...

  • 购物英语对话-Getting Things Fixed(2)

    A: How may I help you? B: Something is wrong with my washing machine. A: Tell me the problem. B: For some reason, the water won't drain. A: That's the only problem with it? B: That's the only problem. A: Would you like me to come fix it for you? B: Y...

  • 购物英语对话-Getting Things Fixed(1)

    A: What can I help you with today? B: My washing machine isn't working. A: What's the problem? B: The water will not drain. A: Is there anything else wrong with it? B: No, that's it. A: I can come down and fix that for you if you'd like. B: When will...

  • 英文原版对话1000个:785 Things Bought

    Todd: OK, so Shona, what did you do this morning? Shona: This morning? So far today, I went to the supermarket and bought some muesli. Had my breakfast, which was the first muesli I've had in a few weeks, so I was quite enjoying that, and then I went...
