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  • 原版英语对话1000个:125 Water Wonderland

    Todd: What is your hobby? Matt: I suppose it is scuba diving? Todd: Oh, nice! Well, tell us about scuba diving. Matt: Well, I haven't been for awhile because I have been living in Japan and it's expensive to do it here, but when I was in Thailand I w...

  • 365个英语简短小故事-214. Water Under the Sink(2)

    Ed came home from his errands and put the groceries into the cupboard and the refrigerator. He grabbed a flathead screwdriver and a pair of pliers from his toolbox. In the kitchen, he got down on his hands and knees and turned on the flashlight. Afte...

  • 365个英语简短小故事-213. Water Under the Sink(1)

    The 36-year-old bachelor ate his usual lunch at home. He had an apple, a ham sandwich with a sliced dill pickle, a bowl of chicken noodle soup with a couple of soda crackers, and a small candy bar, all washed down with an eight-ounce glass of milk. A...

  • 365个英语简短小故事- 58.I Need Water for My Clients

    Cynthia and George went shopping together at Wal-Mart. I need a water dispenser for my office, Cynthia told George. What do you mean by water dispenser? George asked. You know, one of those things that they put the big five-gallon jug upside down int...

  • 超级简单英语阅读:Water and an Apple

    Susan likes to eat apples. She likes to eat big red apples. She likes to wear a blue hat. She wears a big blue hat on her head. She wears a hat and eats an apple. She drinks some water from a white cup. Susan drinks water and eats apples. She doesnt...

  • water

    Gary:Water Do we have enough of it? Will this precious resource be the cause of future wars? Turn the pages of your newspaper, tune in to the radio news: these topics appear over and over again. Water is a subject that affects us all; it touches our...

  • VOA标准英语2009年-Expert Says Days of 'Easy Water' Are Over

    The fifth World Water Forum opened on Monday in Istanbul, Turkey. Thousands of people are at the meeting - from heads of state and environmental and business leaders to scientists and activists - to discuss ways to manage and conserve the precious r...

  • VOA标准英语2009年-Clean Water Project Improves Lives in Senegal

    More than 13,000 people in northern Senegal now have ready access to safe drinking water thanks to a collaborative project between the government, Columbia University, and a U.S. manufacturer of plastic pipe. The project is having a big impact on th...

  • 音乐咖啡厅:You dont miss your water-Craig David

    *英国史上最年轻冠军男歌手纪录保持人 *首张专辑「Born To Do It」全球销量超过700万张、全球7个国家冠军宝座 *荣获全英音乐奖6项提名历史纪录、MTV音乐奖最佳男歌手提名 *备受爱尔顿强、U2主唱Bono推崇 *珍妮佛洛佩兹、蜜西艾莉特、吹牛老爹、天命真女争相邀约 *英国...

  • VOA标准英语2008年-Swimming Records Annihilated at Beijing's Water

    American swimming great Michael Phelps remains on track to win an unprecedented eight gold medals at a single Olympics. VOA's Jim Stevenson was at China's National Aquatic Center as Phelps relied on three other teammates Monday to win a thrilling re...
