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    Late last year, three Chinese exchanges jointly submitted the highest bid for a 40 per cent stake in the Pakistan Stock Exchange. They paid almost Rs9bn, or $85m. Weeks after the deal, the market hit an all-time high. 去年底,中国三家交易所联...

  • 辉煌难再现 苹果公司2季度在华营收下滑

    Apple reported a drop in revenue in China for its fiscal second quarter ended April 1, the fifth consecutive quarter of decline in the region amid ever-growing competition from local rivals. 苹果报告称,在截至4月1日的第二财季中,公司...

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  • 75所高校晒2017年预算 清华大学超233亿元领跑

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  • 长征五号运抵海南文昌 下月送实践18号入太空

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  • 特朗普怒喷奥巴马是差生 称其不配读哈佛!

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  • 河南一公司强制员工观看《新闻联播》 缺席就扣钱

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  • 中国首架国产客机首航

    Chinas first homegrown passenger jet has taken to the skies for a politically charged maiden flight that authorities claimed would propel the country into a new era of aviation. 中国首架国产客机进行了含有政治意味的首航,当局称这...

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  • 欧盟将移民危机责怪在中国头上

    The EU has urged China to clamp down on the sale of inflatable dinghies which are falling into the hands of smuggling gangs and used to carry migrants on treacherous sea journeys to Europe. 欧盟已要求中国减少充气艇销售,因为这些充气...

  • 你怎样看待中国的外交政策

    A large amount of Chinese, mostly teenagers and less-educated people, believe that Chinas diplomacy is too weak, and they ask the government to be tougher on Chinas adversaries. How is Chinas foreign policy perceived abroad? 大部分中国人,特别...

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