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  • 米歇尔•奥巴马声称永远不会竞选美国总统

    Former first lady Michelle Obama said she would never run for political office. 前第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马表示,她永远不会参加政治竞选。 In her first speech since leaving the White House, she told an audience that being in the W...

  • Netflix终于要进中国了 美剧党们嗨起来

    Six months after admitting defeat in its bid to crack China, Netflix has found a way to tap into the vast market. 在承认入华失利六个月之后,网飞公司(Netflix,一家在线影片租赁提供商)找到了进入这个巨大市场的方...

  • 媒体调查显示 多数孩子不愿被迫表演

    Most children feel reluctant to show their talents or skills in front of others although their parents and grandparents keep prodding them to do so, according to a survey by Tianfu Morning News. 根据《天府早报》进行的一项调查显示,尽...

  • 科技巨头中招网络诈骗 谷歌脸书被骗走1亿美元

    Google and Facebook have confirmed that they were victims of a $100 million payment scam. 谷歌和脸书近日证实,他们在一桩诈骗案中被骗走1亿美元。 The criminal case drew public attention last month, when US Justice Department a...

  • 哈维称C罗非常出色 他唯一的问题是有梅西存在

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  • SpaceX首次涉足军事 为国防部发射侦察卫星

    SpaceX, the aerospace company founded by Elon Musk, launched a top-secret spy satellite for the US Department of Defense early last Monday morning. 上周一清晨,埃隆马斯克创立的航天公司SpaceX为美国国防部发射了一颗高度机密...

  • 美国学霸四胞胎兄弟拒绝多所名校 最终选择耶鲁大学

    Now the Wade quadruplets of Ohio, are set to study together at the same college after getting offers from dozens of institutions across the country. 在共收到了全国几十所大学的录取通知书之后,俄亥俄州韦德家的四胞胎于日前...

  • 六大共享单车企业宣布接入支付宝

    Bicycle riders in China are benefiting from a new deal in the country's burgeoning bike-sharing sector as six players team up with popular mobile payment tool Alipay. 我国的骑车一族可以从国内蓬勃发展的共享单车领域近日达成的一...

  • 中国多部影片荣获休斯敦国际电影节大奖

    More than 10 Chinese films were awarded here last Saturday at the 50th annual WorldFest-Houston. 十余部中国电影在上周六举行的第五十届休斯顿国际电影节上斩获了奖项。 The Chinese films won different awards at the festiva...

  • 特朗普称当选总统对家人造成了很大的负担

    U.S. President Donald Trump said in an interview published last Sunday that his position in White House has affected his family life, adding that his wife Melania Trump has been terribly abused by the press. 在上周日刊载的一份采访中,美国...

  • 我国网络视频市场规模将破800亿元

    A research report said the online video market in China is projected to exceed 80 billion yuan by the end of this year. 一份研究报告指出,我国网络视频市场规模预计将在今年年底前超过800亿元。 The report by Guduo Media,...

  • 华为拟发布高端笔记本电脑

    Huawei, the Chinese telecoms group, is expanding in the beleaguered PC market, undeterred by slumping sales and the demise of smaller participants. 中国电信设备制造商华为(Huawei)正在低迷的个人电脑(PC)市场寻求扩张,没有被...

  • 印孚瑟斯今后两年将招募1万名美国人

    Infosys, the Indian IT services company that stands to be one of the biggest losers from a US visa crackdown, plans to hire 10,000 Americans in the next two years, according to the companys chief executive. 按照印度信息技术(IT)服务公司印孚...

  • 新版5英镑钞票有一个重大语法错误 你发现了吗

    Britain is living in a post-punctuation world, academics have warned, with the Bank of England named as the latest major institution to ignore the correct use of the English language. 学术界近日告诫英国正处在后标点时代,指英格兰银...

  • 微信支付与支付宝硬碰硬

    Chinas $5.5tn mobile payments sector more than 50 times bigger than that of the US is being shaken up by one-time underdog Tencent, which is snatching market share from rival Alibaba. 曾经处于劣势的腾讯(Tencent)正在撼动中国5.5万亿美元...
