Disney raised its bid for the bulk of 21st Century Fox’s assets to $71bn, almost half of which is in cash and the rest in shares. That tops an unsolicited rival all-cash offer of $65bn from Comcast.
迪士尼将21世纪福克斯(21st Century Fox)大部分资产的出价提高至710亿美元,其中约一半是现金,其余的为股票。这超过了主动报价的对手康卡斯特(Comcast)提供的650亿美元全现金收购条件。
The White House announced that Kathy Kraninger would be nominated to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a bugbear for Republicans ever since its creation as part of the DoddFrank reforms. The agency is being led by Mick Mulvaney, who is also the head of the White House budget office, where Ms Kraninger currently works. Some (mostly Democrats) questioned Ms Kraninger’s appointment, claiming that—as a White House insider—she lacks the experience to run an independent office.
白宫宣布,凯西·克兰宁格(Kathy Kraninger)将被提名为消费者金融保护局(Consumer Financial Protection Bureau)局长,自从该机构作为《多德-弗兰克法案》(Dodd-Frank Act)改革的一部分成立以来,它一直是共和党人的“眼中钉”。该机构的曾经的负责人是米克·马尔瓦尼(Mick Mulvaney),他也是白宫预算办公室(White House budget office)的负责人,而克兰宁格目前任职于该办公室。一些人(大部分民主党人)质疑克兰宁格女士的任命,并声称,她作为白宫内部人员,缺乏管理独立办公室的经验。
The flow of European venture capital hit its highest level for a decade last year, according to Invest Europe, a trade association for the industry. Of the 6.4bn euros ($7.2bn) in investments, 45% went to information and communications startups and 23% to biotech and health care.
据行业贸易协会“欧洲投资”(Invest Europe)的数据显示,去年欧洲风险资本流入达10年来的最高水平。在64亿欧元(约合72亿美元)的投资中,有45%流向了信息和通信初创企业,23%流入了生物技术和医疗保健领域。
In the biggest banking1 merger2 in Britain in a decade, CYBG, the owner of Clydesdale and Yorkshire banks, agreed to pay 1.7bn pounds ($2.3bn) for Virgin3 Money. The deal creates Britain’s sixth-largest bank.
克莱兹代尔银行(Clydesdale bank)和约克郡银行(Yorkshire banks)是10年来英国规模最大的银行业合并,其所有者英国CYBG金融集团同意支付17亿英镑(约合23亿美元)收购维珍理财(Virgin Money)。这笔交易造就了英国第六大银行。

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n.银行业,银行学,金融业 | |
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n.企业合并,并吞 | |
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n.处女,未婚女子;adj.未经使用的;未经开发的 | |
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