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   地道美语听力播客English as a Second Language Podcast (ESLPod),是一家位于美国加州洛杉矶的英语教育研究机构推出的英文听力会话,于2005年7月23日首播, 主播Dr. Jeff McQuillan为南加州大学的语言学博士, 现专注于外国语学生的英语学习研究。该播客在iTunes store播客的教育子分类中,与Grammar Girl Just Vocabulary常居前三甲。




  • ESL Podcast 526 – Talking About Age

    Gabby: Another birthday! Im going to stop celebrating. Whats there to celebrate getting old and decrepit ? Cherif: Are you kidding me? Were in the prime of our lives . Whos decrepit? Im not. Gabby: If Im in my prime, then why do I feel so middle age...

  • ESL Podcast 525 – Falling in Love

    Maya: What are those? Jorge: Theyre pictures from our ski trip last weekend. Maya: Is there any reason youre staring at the ones with Jessica in them? I think youve got a crush on her. Jorge: Im not 10 years old. I dont get crushes. Maya: Then, I thi...

  • ESL Podcast 524 – Talking About Failure

    Akiko: How did your presentation go over this morning at the meeting? Gerry: It was a complete flop ! Akiko: I dont believe it. You spent weeks working on that presentation. Gerry: It wasnt the presentation that bombed . It was my big idea. Leona cal...

  • ESL Podcast 523 – Having Trouble Making a Decision

    Lorenzo: Have you bought a new television yet? Katia: No, Im still looking at consumer reviews and weighing my options . Im not sure yet what size I want or what features I need. Im keeping my options open for now. Lorenzo: I thought your old TV stop...

  • ESL Podcast 522 – Developing a Healthy Mind

    Lorelai: I just finished reading a book about how to get the most out of life . Starting today, Im going to live life to its fullest . Luke: Oh no, not another one of your fads . Werent you eating only blue- and red-colored foods a couple of months a...

  • ESL Podcast 521 – Describing Speech and Language Ability

    Blaire: Do you have any idea what hes saying? Antonio: Its Greek to me . Youre supposed to be the one whos fluent . Cant you make out what hes saying? Blaire: I never said I was fluent. I said I could get by in the language. Theres a big difference....

  • ESL Podcast 520 – Getting Directions and Parking Instructio

    Receptionist: So the meeting is set for 2:00 on Thursday. Do you know how to get to our offices? Asha: No, I dont. Could you give me directions ? Receptionist: Certainly. Were located on Main Street. The cross street is Udall. If youre taking the fre...

  • ESL Podcast 519 – Describing Family Relations

    Eri: Whats that? James: Its an invitation to a family reunion . Once every five years or so, someone in the family organizes one. Eri: Are you going? James: Im not sure. Its always a little awkward seeing extended family . Did you know that there use...

  • ESL Podcast 518 – Learning Self-Defense

    Teacher: Welcome, everybody, to this self-defense class. Today, youll learn how to size up a situation and how to tell the difference between a harmless situation and a threatening one. Youll also begin to learn some hand-to-hand combat moves to defe...

  • ESL Podcast 517 – Watching Competitive Sports

    Bruno: Hey, what are you doing? Give me back that remote ! Tamara: The movie I want to watch is on right now. Do you mind ? Bruno: Of course I mind! Im watching the playoffs . Cant you see that? Tamara: The playoffs? Oh, Ill watch with you. Bruno: Yo...

  • ESL Podcast 516 – Naming and Appointing Officials

    Goran: Who do you think will be appointed to succeed Ramon on the board? Anne: I dont know whom theyll pick to fill the position, but I know who the candidates are. The higher ups have been quietly vetting three people to make sure they dont have any...

  • ESL Podcast 515 – Starting a Blog

    Ive been thinking about starting a blog for a long time now, and after talking to my friend Traver, a popular blogger , Ive decided to take the leap . Traver got me started with a basic template , but I wanted to customize the blog to give it my own...

  • ESL Podcast 514 – Describing Old and New Clothes

    Ellen: What are you wearing to the party? Hiro: Your guess is as good as mine . Ellen: Lets look through your closet and Ill help you pick something out . Hiro: Okay, but I have to warn you. I have a pretty limited wardrobe . Ellen: Lets see, these b...

  • ESL Podcast 513 – Snooping and Eavesdropping

    Enrique: I dont know how you talked me into coming with you to Dans apartment to rifle through his papers. This snooping is stupid! If you have suspicions , you should just talk to him. Stella: Confront him without any evidence? That would be the hei...

  • ESL Podcast 512 – Changing the Subject in Conversation

    Laura: I think thats all we need to talk about regarding last months report. Lets turn to this months report, shall we ? I didnt get a copy of it. Could someone hand me one? Gaius: By the way , I have just one last comment before we shift our focus t...
