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   地道美语听力播客English as a Second Language Podcast (ESLPod),是一家位于美国加州洛杉矶的英语教育研究机构推出的英文听力会话,于2005年7月23日首播, 主播Dr. Jeff McQuillan为南加州大学的语言学博士, 现专注于外国语学生的英语学习研究。该播客在iTunes store播客的教育子分类中,与Grammar Girl Just Vocabulary常居前三甲。




  • ESL Podcast 481 – Listening to Music

    Victoria: I see that you have a really extensive music collection . J.D.: Yeah, I like a lot of different genres of music. Victoria: Do you have the new J.McQ album ? Hes my favorite artist . I just got it and I like all of the tracks on it. J.D.: No...

  • ESL Podcast 480 – Riding in a Carpool

    Roberto: Hey, Loreto. Got a minute? Loreto: Im going to a meeting off-site , but we can talk if you dont mind walking me to my car. Roberto: Sure, okay. I just wanted to ask if youre interested in carpooling to work. We only live a few blocks from ea...

  • ESL Podcast 479 – Using Frequent Flyer Miles

    Anne: Where were you this past weekend? I tried calling you on Friday to see if you wanted to go to the movies with me. Jurgen: I was in Chicago for a long weekend . Anne: Chicago? I didnt know you were planning a trip. I thought you were pretty stra...

  • ESL Podcast 478 – Having Plumbing Problems

    Mickey: Hello, McQuillan Plumbing. Colleen: Hi, Im having a lot of plumbing problems. Can you send a plumber out to my house right away? Mickey: Yes, we can. But first, lets find out what the problems are. Colleen: Well, to start, my toilet wont flus...

  • ESL Podcast 477 – Planning a Gourmet Meal

    Hung: I cant believe that the famous food critic , Julia Schilds, will be eating in my restaurant tomorrow night. I need to prepare a gourmet menu thats going to be mind-blowing . Padma: She wouldnt be coming here if she didnt already know that your...

  • ESL Podcast 476 – Taking Chances in Business

    Ive always been a pretty cautious investor . I like my investments to be conservative and I usually invest only in sure things . Recently, though, Ive been tempted to take more risk . My friend, Bernie, is a very successful fund manager and he is wil...

  • ESL Podcast 475 – Hiring a Hitman

    Gus: Are you Shirley? Shirley: Yeah, thanks for agreeing to meet me here. Im told youre the best sniper in the business and you can be discreet . I need a hitman who can do a job, then make himself scarce . Gus: Im your man . Tell me about it. Shirle...

  • ESL Podcast 474 - Having Trouble Sleeping

    Luis: So, how are the newlyweds doing? Stevie: Oh, were great. Im just a little tired. Luis: Well, that goes with the territory , right? Stevie: No, thats not what I mean. Patrick has been keeping me up with his snoring . Luis: Oh, thats a bummer . S...

  • ESL Podcast 473 - Showing Respect and Disrespect

    Kadir: Stop that! Stop snickering ! Gabriel Voltaire is an author of great acclaim . You should show a little reverence . Melissa: Yes, but he seems to have a bad case of stage fright. I know its an honor to hear him speak, but its hard to show rever...

  • ESL Podcast 472 – Feeling Nervous About Public Speaking

    Simone: Theyre about to introduce you. Youre on next. Are you ready? Gabriel: No...yes...no! Simone: You dont look so well. Are you all right? Gabriel: I dont know. My palms are clammy , Im breaking out into a cold sweat , and my legs feel like jelly...

  • ESL Podcast 471 - Trying to Get Off the Phone

    Erin: So I told Joey that I had no intention of letting him use my car again. Can you believe the nerve of that guy, after what he did? Curran: Thats terrible, but Im going to have to let you go . I have an appointment... Erin: But I didnt tell you w...

  • ESL Podcast 470 – Avoiding Show and Movie Spoilers

    Lee: Im reading this article about the new season of our favorite show. Its premiering next week. Kira: Dont tell me anything about it, especially spoilers . Lee: But don't you want to know which guest stars will be making appearances and the plot tw...

  • ESL Podcast 469 – Rearranging Living Room Furniture

    Amy: I think rearranging the furniture will make the living room look more spacious . Dont you? Jacob: Uh, sure. Amy: Can you help me move this couch against this wall? Jacob: Okay, but are you sure you want it over there? Because its really heavy an...

  • ESL Podcast 468 – Organizing Your Office

    I have a very disorganized office. My co- workers have been making jokes about my office for a long time, and my boss finally cracked down on me. He told me: Get the office organized by Friday no excuses! What choice did I have? Ive always been a pac...

  • ESL Podcast 467 – Buying Men’s Shirts

    Francesca: Hurry up! Come out of that fitting room so I can see how the dress shirt fits . Eddie: The first one didnt fit at all. The sleeves were too short and it was too form fitting . I like my shirts to be on the roomy side . Im trying on the sec...
