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  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 496、燃烧仅在地球可行

    The Time Before Fire What is fire anyway? Well, fire is rapid oxidization . Its the energy released when oxygen atoms start combining with carbon and hydrogen atoms. Exactly, so without oxygen in the air, nothing burns. You mean there was a time befo...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 495、鱼儿如何相亲

    Fish Blind Dates There are plenty of examples in nature of females being attracted to the biggest males. This is especially true for a species of fish called the Atlantic Mollie. The Mollie wants to be as big a fish as possible, because the females s...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 494、烟酒不分家?

    Drinking and Smoking 烟酒不分家? Scientists have long been aware of the link between drinking and smoking. In fact, eighty to ninety percent of alcoholic s also smoke, which is about three times the rate in the general population. But a recent...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 493、惨淡的人生

    The Nucleus Don: A guy walks into a bar, and sits down next to an electron . The electron has two empty beers in front of him, and was working on a third. My life is a worst, says electron . I just got fired from my job, my dog bit me, my wife left w...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 492、塞德娜

    Sedna 塞德娜 (本文写于2004年) Pluto is the last of the nine planets, and when its at its farthest point in its elliptical orbit, its the farthest planet from the sun. That's true, but incorrect. Well, what you said about Pluto is true, bu...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 491、蜜蜂也吃肉?

    Carnivorous Bees 蜜蜂也吃肉? I guess you never heard of Trigona hypogea, a South American bee that not only collects meat from animal carcasses, but has more recently been discovered to have a taste for live prey as well. Scientists have seen...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 490、最遥远的距离

    对于外太空,亲,你知道多少呢?旅行者号,你知道吗?太阳风,你知道吗如果你的答案是no,那我们都是一样的哦,宇宙太奇妙,需要一代代人不断去探索.今天我们就来讲讲我们的太阳系 The Real Final Fro...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 489、船尾那条温柔的尾流带

    A Smooth Wake 平静的尾流 (A smooth wake on today's moments of science) Female: Donne and I are on a fantacy cruise . The sun has set and were standing on the rear deck. Look at the reflection of the moon. Male: You might expect a ship's wake...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 488、运动可提高IQ?

    Aerobic Exercise and Mental Performance Stretching and toning are certainly important, but their benefits are different from that of aerobic exercise. Surprisingly, aerobic exercise isnt just beneficial to your heart, it also sharpens your mind. You...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 487、小猴子如何表达爱

    When Marmoset s Think About Love 小猴子表达如何爱 狨猴( Marmoset ),又称指猴,是生活在在南美洲亚马逊河流域的森林中的一种世界上最小的猴子。这种猴长大后身高仅1012厘米,重80100克。新生猴只...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 486、眼睛发光的蝴蝶

    a butterfly with glowing eyes Believe it or not, Monteiro and her team insert ed a new gene into the butterflys genetic sequenceone taken from a jellyfish . No, I know you're fooling. Actually I'm not. This gene codes for a green florescent protein t...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 485、看不清?眯眼睛

    Is squinting really that effective? 眯眼睛真的有效吗? Male: Thanks for coming on this fact-finding trip with me and share the driving. Female: Glad to do it. It should be a fun trip. I imagine I will learn a lot. M: I hope so. So i think we...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 484、漂浮的热气球

    Why is it that you cant put down hydrogen gas? If you had a big balloon full of hydrogen gas, like the first gondola balloons pioneered in 18th-century France, youd find that it rises in the air quite dramatically. You know that a piece of wood will...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 483、啄木鸟医生

    Woodpecker s and Fungus 啄木鸟和真菌 W: Woodpecker s puncture the bark of dead or dying trees, also known as snags, to find the wood-boring insects that make up their diet, and some species also excavate cavities in these trees for their nests....

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 482、太阳也在自转?

    As the Sun Turns 太阳也在自转? Everyone knows that the earth turns. As a matter of fact, the sun turns too. Altough a lot of people don't realize it. Im not talking about being in orbit , nowthe earth definitely orbit s the sun and not the ot...
