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  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 466、谁在啃我的叶子!

    作为一株小小的或是大大的植物(矛盾吗?),被生长在厚厚的泥土之下的根所束缚着,只能眼睁睁地看着虫子、鸟儿啃食自己的叶子,啄食自己的果实?植物也有保护自己的方法哦,一起来看看吧 Plan...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 465、强力胶的“天敌”

     Superglue 强力胶 Male: Help!Help! Female:What's wrong? M: I was fixing my coffee cup with superglue .And I must have got some on my fingers but I scratch my forhead.And now my hand is stuck to my head. F: Superglue ? Cool! What makes supergl...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 464、狗狗和环保

    Scoop That Poop Actually, dog poop turns out to have a pretty big environmental impact. If you think that two in five household s in the U.S. have at least one dog and that about forty percent of Americans dont clean up after their pooches, well, all...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 463、最大的磁体

    查看译文 tips: 怎样阅读才是有质量的阅读了? 中英对照请点击【中英对照】查看译文请点击 【查看译文】进行核对。 The Biggest Magnet 最大的磁体 A: Whats the biggest magnet ever? B: Well, that's a great...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 462、食盐大战冰块

    Salt vs. Ice 食盐大战冰块 Y: Why does salt melt ice? D: It lowers the melting and freezing point of water. Y: Oh,OK.Wait,I don't get it. Doesn't that mean the salt make ice colder? D: Let me explain.Pure water freezes at thirty-two degrees Fahr...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 461、红色谷仓缘何而来?

    Why Barn s Are Red Yal: This was a great idea, Don. It's a beautiful day for a drive to the countryside. Don: Yep! Y: Hey, there's a big red barn . An another one, also red. I wonder why so many barn s are painted red. D: I don't have to wonder . I'v...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 460、气候变化与小提琴

    Why do Stradivarius violin s sound so good? 为什么史特拉第瓦里小提琴声音那么美妙? A:What did i tell you? B:You're right Yaoyao.This is a beautiful piece. A:It should be. B:What's so special about Stradivarius violin s ? A:Thats...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 459、残留的光线

    Afterglow Heres an experiment you can try: look at something bright relative to its surroundings, such as a lamp or a sunny window, for ten seconds without blink ing . Then shut your eyes and cover them over with your hands. You will find that the la...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 458、外太空有人吗

    The Fermi Paradox Back in 1950, the Nobel prize-winning physicist Enrico Fermi was having lunch with friends. Conversation turned to the possibility of extraterrestrial life. According to the popular story, Fermi fell silent for a moment and then ask...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 457、梦可以预知未来?

    梦可以预知未来? D: Lots of people have had dreams that seem to foretell the future. Some psychologists attribute this to retrieval cues. Y: Retrieval cues? D: A retrieval cue is a coincidence in the real world that trigger s a dream memory w...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 456、纠结:洗手用什么?

    Do hand sanitizer s work any better than soap and water? Yal: We re-enjoy our hero, the handsome Donne , in the kitchen where he's preparing baked Alaska for his lovely bride. Don: Yes, yes. The way to a woman's heart is through her stomach. Y: But w...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 455、奇妙的海洋食物链

    Overfishing Whales and the Environment 过度捕鲸与环境 Until recently, when scientists studied changes in open-ocean ecosystems, they looked at changes in the bottom of the food chain that gradually make their way to the top, like food shortage...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 454、“太空笔”是奢侈品吗?

    查看译文 tips: 怎样阅读才是有质量的阅读了? 中英对照请点击【中英对照】查看译文请点击 【查看译文】进行核对。 Pens in Space Legend has it that NASA spent a million dollars developing a pressurized ballpo...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 453、动物界的英雄

    Wolverine the Weasel behind the Myth 狼獾神话背后的鼬鼠 For most people the wolverine is best known as an inspiration for the distinctive design of the University of Michigan logo and as the name of an X-Men character. Real wolverine s cant...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 452、吃菠菜长肌肉?

