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  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 481、日出日落,傻傻分不清楚

    Sunrise or Sunset? Yal: Don? Don: Yes, Yal? Y: We've been in this art museum for 5 hours now. And you've spent the whole time staring at that one photograph of sunset. D: Are you sure? Y: Of course I'm sure. You haven't budged. D: But are you sure it...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 480、如何破无头绪凶杀案?

    Forensics 辩论术/ 法医学 A murder has been committed. The scene of the crime is a secluded area. There were no witnesses , and the body is considerably decayed . As the chief investigator, you have a suspect who was in town a week ago. But to c...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 479、如何逃离污染“魔掌”?

    Organic Pollutant s Yes,eating organic foods is a great way to reduce the amount of pollutant s in your body, but you cant entirely escape pollution, no matter where you live. Persistent organic pollutant s , or POPs, are everywherein our food, soil,...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 478、日光浴床安全吗?

    Are Tanning Beds Safe? Millions of people go to tanning salons, some to get a base tan before they go away on a beach vacation. The idea of the base tan is that it will protect you from burning on your sun excursion, so that what you end up with is a...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 477、地球为什么是圆的?


  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 476、美食家的烦恼

    Supertasters Beware! You may have heard of supertasters. These are people who, it was discovered, are carrying around extra taste buds on their tongues, making the world of eating much more intense. Its not at all an unusual thing: the latest data su...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 475、打针一定会痛吗?

    Microneedles 微针疗法 Female: From flu vaccin es to tetanus booster s , injections are a must in modern medicine. But do they always have to make you say Ouch? Male: Eh,no? F: No,indeed.If new microneedle technology is successful, we may soon hav...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 474、海洋独特的磁场

    Motional Induction Last time, we talked about motional induction , a phenomenon by which the ocean generate s a magnetic field. It works like this: earth has its own magnetic field. The ocean has plenty of charged atoms in it, in the form of dissolve...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 473、疫苗如何培育的?

    Save the Eggs Vaccine makers crack the eggshell and inject the virus into the white stuff surrounding the yolk. Then they reseal the egg, the embryo becomes infected, and the virus is allowed to copy itself trillions of times over. And they use eggs...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 472、网络安全与黑客

    Cyber -diversity 网络多样性 I'm so tired of hack ers . That's what happens when you have bunch of computers runing the same software. Because they share the same flaw s , if you can hack into one, you can hack into them all. That appens in natur...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 471、你的心脏够强大吗?

    Bradycardia Don: Yal, isn't normal heart rate somewhere between sixty to one hundred beats per minute? Yal: That's right, Don. Why? D: This would be the one time you don't correct me. My heart rate is only 44 beats per minute. That means I have bra...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 470、昆虫界的“投弹手”

    Bombardier Beetle 投弹手甲虫 Male:Is it a beetle or some sort? Female:Right in deed.It's a bombardier beetle .This one is an African species, but it could be found on most other continents too. M: Bombardier ? He releases bomb or some sort? F:...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 469、克隆宠物

    Cloning Pets Is animal cloning for real? I want to have my cat cloned. Well, animal cloning technology exists, but pet cloning isnt quite there yet. And it may never be. Why not? I could think lots of people could want to have copies of their pets. T...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 468、流产和乳腺癌

    Abortion and Breast Cancer When it comes to certain hot topics, claims about what science has or hasnt proven tend to be thrown around more in the service of one position or another than anything else. Somebody may tell you that global warming is abs...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 467、星星的遗迹

