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11-10 昆虫侦探(上)

时间:2006-10-19 16:00来源:互联网 提供网友:toad   字体: [ ]

The Bug1 Detectives


Forensics1 has always used anything that science can give us to cope with various crimes. But forensics has always had its limits. In fact there are major factors in any murder that 21st century science still cannot crack2. Crucially, for example, even with all our technology, it is impossible for forensic2 science to estimate the time of death when a body is found more than 72 hours after a murder. For a body that has lain for more than a few days, guesswork is the best forensics can do in telling us how long ago a person was murdered. But, over 100 years ago two disciplines came together entomology3, the study of insects, and forensics, the scientific analysis of crime. But it is only now that this remarkable3 discipline, Forensic Entomology, is coming into its own and solving the unsolvable.


Dr Dorothy Gennard is a Senior Lecturer in Biological Sciences at Lincoln University. To study what happens to a human body after death or murder scientists like Dr Gennard experiment on pigs. The carcass4 of any animal is of intense interest to insects. The first on the scene, within minutes of death, is the common housefly. She quickly decides if the carcass will be a good place to lay her eggs, so that when they hatch5, they will have a convenient source of food. When the fly lays its eggs it starts a biological clock ticking. The lifecycle of egg to maggot6 to adult fly takes place over a known period of time usually 10 days. By identifying what stage the insect is at, experts can estimate its age and relate this to how long the body has been dead.


Dr. Dorothy Gennard said: “If a body has been found and it is covered in maggots then we can go back and we can identify what species of maggot that is. And we can work out how old that maggot is and therefore the period of time since colonisation7 of the body.”


Creatures like flies give us that opportunity to determine that post mortem8 interval4 at a period later than the pathologist9 can. The pathologist can tell us how long the person has died up to about 72 hours quite accurately5, from there the entomologist is able to add a further dimension. By timing6 the biological clock of insect activity backwards7 vital clues can be discovered about the time of death.


Britain’ s most distinguished8 forensic entomologist, who has helped solve over 500 criminal cases during 27 years, is Dr Zakaria Erzinciolglu. And in case after case, he is pinpointing10 time of death months and even years after the death took place, solving murders or mysteries. The classic case, unsolvable by traditional forensics, was the case of the body in the boarded up house. Murder or accident?


The corpse10 of an old man was discovered lying in bed. His body was infested11 with maggots. He had no family or friends, indeed no one knew he was there at all, except the insects. The question was, did he die before the house was boarded up or afterwards? There were maggots on the body. The doctor had a sample brought to him by a policeman. Once he had reared11 the maggots to adult flies he made a crucial discovery. The flies in this case were greenbottle flies, they are not normally the sort of fly that you would find indoors, they are only attracted indoors because of the presence of a carcass or a corpse. However it is most unlikely that the body had been somewhere else. There was no evidence that anybody went in and placed the body there and then boarded the house up again. And there were entry points for the flies.


The age of the maggots on the body showed that the minimum time of death was considerably12 later than the date of the boarding up of the house. We can safely conclude that in fact he did die some time after the house was boarded up. He was alive and he died there without being able to attract attention to himself. Which is quite a horrific way to end one’s life.



1. forensics [fE5rensiks] n. 法医学

2. crack [krAk] vt. 破译,侦破,解(难题等)

3. entomology [entEu5mClEdVi] n. 昆虫学

4. carcass [5kB:kEs] n. (鸟、兽的)尸体

5. hatch [hAtF] vi. (蛋)孵化,(小鸡等)出壳,孵出,(母鸡等)孵蛋

6. maggot [5mA^Et] n. []蛆(双翅目昆虫的无足幼虫)

7. colonisation [7kClEnaizeiFEn] n. (动、植物)移植,移生,移地发育

8. post-mortem [7pEust5mCtEm] a. 死后的

9. pathologist [pE5WClEdVist] n. 病理学家

10. pinpoint9 [5pin7pCint] vt. 准确描述,确认,确定

11. rear [riE(r)] vt. 培植,饲养













1 bug 5skzf     
  • There is a bug in the system.系统出了故障。
  • The bird caught a bug on the fly.那鸟在飞行中捉住了一只昆虫。
2 forensic 96zyv     
  • The report included his interpretation of the forensic evidence.该报告包括他对法庭证据的诠释。
  • The judge concluded the proceeding on 10:30 Am after one hour of forensic debate.经过近一个小时的法庭辩论后,法官于10时30分宣布休庭。
3 remarkable 8Vbx6     
  • She has made remarkable headway in her writing skills.她在写作技巧方面有了长足进步。
  • These cars are remarkable for the quietness of their engines.这些汽车因发动机没有噪音而不同凡响。
4 interval 85kxY     
  • The interval between the two trees measures 40 feet.这两棵树的间隔是40英尺。
  • There was a long interval before he anwsered the telephone.隔了好久他才回了电话。
5 accurately oJHyf     
  • It is hard to hit the ball accurately.准确地击中球很难。
  • Now scientists can forecast the weather accurately.现在科学家们能准确地预报天气。
6 timing rgUzGC     
  • The timing of the meeting is not convenient.会议的时间安排不合适。
  • The timing of our statement is very opportune.我们发表声明选择的时机很恰当。
7 backwards BP9ya     
  • He turned on the light and began to pace backwards and forwards.他打开电灯并开始走来走去。
  • All the girls fell over backwards to get the party ready.姑娘们迫不及待地为聚会做准备。
8 distinguished wu9z3v     
  • Elephants are distinguished from other animals by their long noses.大象以其长长的鼻子显示出与其他动物的不同。
  • A banquet was given in honor of the distinguished guests.宴会是为了向贵宾们致敬而举行的。
9 pinpoint xNExL     
  • It is difficult to pinpoint when water problems of the modern age began.很难准确地指出,现代用水的问题是什么时候出现的。
  • I could pinpoint his precise location on a map.我能在地图上指明他的准确位置。
10 corpse JYiz4     
  • What she saw was just an unfeeling corpse.她见到的只是一具全无感觉的尸体。
  • The corpse was preserved from decay by embalming.尸体用香料涂抹以防腐烂。
11 infested f7396944f0992504a7691e558eca6411     
adj.为患的,大批滋生的(常与with搭配)v.害虫、野兽大批出没于( infest的过去式和过去分词 );遍布于
  • The kitchen was infested with ants. 厨房里到处是蚂蚁。
  • The apartments were infested with rats and roaches. 公寓里面到处都是老鼠和蟑螂。
12 considerably 0YWyQ     
  • The economic situation has changed considerably.经济形势已发生了相当大的变化。
  • The gap has narrowed considerably.分歧大大缩小了。
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