《关键投票》精讲 01父女的首场露面
After a hotly contested race, Americans go to the polls today...in what promises to be a very close election. 经过一场激烈的选举战之后,今天是美国选民为这场激烈选战投票的日子。 The Republican Andrew Boone, hoping to h
《关键投票》精讲 02选民投票的义务
And don't forget today. Yeah.What's... what's today? 今天的事情别忘了。今天是什么日子? Election day, dummy! 选举日啊,笨蛋! I'm supposed to do a report on you voting, remember? 我要做一篇关于你投票的报道,记得
《关键投票》精讲 03父女关于选票的歧义
A questionnaire. I'm supposed to ask you about your politics. 问卷调查 我要问你关于政治的问题 Well, go ahead. 行 开始吧 I already filled it in. 我已经填完了 I wanted you to sound smart. 我希望你的形象醒目点 Give me
《关键投票》精讲 04父亲开车送女儿上学
If you get sick, I'm gonna have to start selling my blood again. 要是你病了 我又要去卖血赚钱了 Mrs. Abernathy said every vote counts. It's a social contract. 艾伯納西夫人说每张选票都算数的 这是种社会契约 It's a soc
《关键投票》精讲 05西班牙人抢饭碗
Where...Where the hell is Dewey? 杜威 杜威跑到哪去? OH!He got laid off. 他请假了 Bullshit! He got insourced. 胡说 他被内部裁员了 Insourced? Insourced. Instead of exporting our jobs to Mexico... 内部裁员 对 把我们的工作
《关键投票》精讲 06职工议论纷纷
Next thing, they'll be taking away our right to vote. 接下来 他们就要夺走我们的投票权了 You voting, Bud? 巴德 你投票了吗? It's a social contract, isn't it? 那是社会契约 对吧 Who are you voting for? 你投给谁了 Shi
《关键投票》精讲 07政客演讲振奋人心
OK! Ohio run the gay marriage ad every twenty minutes. 俄亥俄州 每隔二十分钟播同性恋婚姻广告 Let's see if we can't get those God fearing bastards off the fence. 看看能否让那些 虔诚的中立派改变主意 We take a bunch of
《关键投票》精讲 08投选票的前奏
Thank you, thank you for coming. 谢谢 感谢前来 Galena and I would like to thank America... 葛莲娜和我要感谢美国 for this glorious opportunity. 给我们这次光荣的机会 I have met people of every race, color and creed during this
《关键投票》精讲 09茉莉的父亲被炒鱿鱼
Tell me something. What do you want to be when you grow up? 莫莉 告诉我 长大以后想干什么? I go back and forth. Either a veterinarian or chairman of the Fed. 我有点拿不定主意 兽医或者美联储主席都行 Where's Bud? 巴德在
《关键投票》精讲 10茉莉的父亲放茉莉的鸽子
Shit! Goddamnit! 靠 该死 Well, hell, Carl! You could have showed me your footage when you walked in. 该死 凯尔 你应该在进来的时候 就放这段录像的 I know we went to school together, Bud. I've always liked you. 巴德 我知道我们
《关键投票》精讲 11茉莉想妈妈啦!
I hurt the top of my head. 我撞伤头了 Come on, lay down. 快 躺下 I'm so sorry, baby. 真对不起 宝贝 I want to live with Mom. 我想和妈妈一起生活 Me too. 我也是 New Mexico is a classic swing state. Hello. 新墨西哥是出了名
《关键投票》精讲 12选举竟然取决于一个郡
we're now in a dead heat for the American presidency. 在其它所有州都平分秋色 Each candidate with virtually the same amount of electoral votes. 两位候选者均获得了数量相当的选票 270, the magic number to win. This is a real ph
《关键投票》精讲 13州竞选办事处找到巴德
Some people? 什么人? They look official. 他们看上去像官员 Child services? - That's what I'm thinking. 儿童服务中心吗? 我觉得也是 Okay. - Here we go. 好吧 我们走 Mr. Johnson, we would have called first, but you don't ha
《关键投票》精讲 14巴德起誓重新投票
It's him. 就是他 Yeah, it's him. What do you mean, him? Me, him? 没错 是他 什么意思 指我吗? Sir, your vote didn't count. 先生 你的选票作废了 Mr. Johnson, it's our duty to inform you... 强纳森先生 我们有责任通知您
《关键投票》精讲 15由一张选票决定美国总统
Sorry. 对不起 You should be! I could get into all kinds of trouble because of you! 你确实该道歉 因为你 我惹上大麻烦了 Gosh, Molly! 天啊 妈的 莫莉 Why can't you learn just to let things be? 你为什么不能安分一点呢?