《关键投票》精讲 16父女亲情的对话
Apparently the electronic voting machine malfunctioned. 选票已经扫瞄 但还未计算 The ballot was scanned, but the machine died before the vote was counted. 明显是投票机故障了就已经死机 It's an anomaly. No shit, Larry! What poll
《关键投票》精讲 17电视台找到了巴德
You can call me Bud. 你可以叫我巴德 Bud. I was hoping you could tell me why those men... 巴德 你能否透露为什么那些人 flew from Santa Fe, to see you in the middle of the night. 大半夜从圣菲飞过来和你会面呢? Well, ac
《关键投票》精讲 18巴德被媒体围攻
Maybe. Guess I could borrow my dad's car. 也许 我还能开我父亲的车 I'll wait till he gets drunk. Sometimes he passes out. 等他喝醉了 有时还可能不省人事 Do you think I could try your skateboard? 我能玩你的滑板吗? Okay
《关键投票》精讲 19各党派开始行动
Holy shit! 上帝啊 There's so many! 太多人了 Ok, I'm just gonna go out there, right? I'm gonna... 我要出去 好的 我现在就去 I'm gonna walk out there and tell those people it wasn't me who voted. 勇敢走出去告诉他们不是我投的
《关键投票》精讲 20巴德开始转运
What the hell is this? 这算怎么回事? The biggest space we could find. 这是我们能找到的最大空间了 How we gonna do this? Build a campaign around one man? 该怎么进行 为一个人再来次竞选吗? I don't know how to do this
《关键投票》精讲 21巴德见到总统
I don't want to hurt your feelings, you're no Paula Zahn. 我不想伤害你的感情 你跟宝拉赞恩不一样 No Paula Zahn? 不一样? I booked this story. It was me. 这报道是属于我的 Yes, that's why everybody here is trying to rip it
《关键投票》精讲 22巴德与总统的亲密交谈
It's my little home in the sky. 这是我的空中小屋 It's kinda, like a trailer with wings. 就像是个有翅膀的拖车 Fine analogy, Bud. 比喻的好 巴德 Molly, I saw your speech on TV the other night. 莫莉 那天我在电视上看到你的
《关键投票》精讲 23巴德与总统的聚餐
Bud. 巴德 You wanna hold the football? 你想拿一下橄榄球吗? There's a football in there? 这里有个橄榄球? That case holds the launch codes... 这个箱子里 装着 to America's nuclear arsenal. 美国核武发射密码 That's wha
《关键投票》精讲 24为巴德开的聚会
Did you smell all the leather on that plane? 你闻到飞机上的真皮味道了吗? If I made you feel second best. 如果我让你备受冷落 I'm sorry I was blind. 我为自己的盲目道歉 No, baby, leave it, leave it. That's Willie. 别换台
《关键投票》精讲 25争取巴德的选票
Bud and Molly Johnson were on hand today. 巴德和莫莉今天也在场支持 We are the environmental party! 我们才是倡导环保的政党啊 Those bastards stole our platform. 那帮混蛋盗窃了我们的政纲 Put the PR people on standby. 叫