大家好!广播学口语又和您见面了.不知道你过得怎么样.Andy可是有了一点小麻烦. 那 就让Andy和大家说说吧.
自从Andy被剥夺了财政大权后,行动受到了极大的限制,可不久Andy就学乖了.偷偷的留 了一个小金库.终于,今天又和朋友们坐到一起吃了一顿,但是一身酒气的回家,自然会让 老婆发现.
Andy came close to tell her the whole truth, but then he changed his mind: “my friend treated me.” “Really? I read you as a book: you will give the shirt off your back.” (Andy差一点就把情况向妻子和盘托出了,可是很快他打消了这个念头:“朋友请了我一顿.”“真的吗?我对你太了解了,你连衬衫都可 以脱给别人”). "give the shirt off your back"连衬衫都可以脱给别人,可见这人有多少的慷慨. 这里的意思就是"慷慨成性".
Andy always gives shirt to others off his back. No wonder his wife doesn’t believe that he can let his friend pay the bill.( Andy是一个慷慨的家伙.怪不得老婆不相信是朋友为他付的钱.)
就Andy的小金库的问题,妻子好好的给他上了一课,直到最后Andy求饶:"I know I made a mistake but can you cushion the below? "cushion"是什么意思呢.本意是垫子. 那么在下面垫个垫子,即是说,"说话温柔一些.以免打击太重了".
Andy said:"I know I made a mistake but can you cushion the below? "(我知道 我错了,但你说话的时候委婉一点行吗).这就可见说话委婉好处了吧.
一个优秀的老师从不会劈头盖脸的把他的学生批评一通的.而是委婉的教导他的学生.怪不得多年以后他的学生们说:"Although I made a lot of mistakes,my teacner cushioned the below instead of criticizing1 me seriously in the class,so I confessed2 the mistakes I made and became a good student .I love my teacher. ( 虽然我做了很错事儿,但老师并没有当着全班同学的面批评我.只是委婉的给我指了出 来.于是我承认了我的错误并成为一个好学生.我爱我的老师.)
(1)You will give the shirt off your back.你是个慷慨成性的家伙.
(2)Can you cushion the below?说话委婉点好吗.

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v.评论,批评( criticize的现在分词 ) | |
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adj. 众所周知的,公认的 动词confess的过去式和过去分词形式 | |
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