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时间:2017-03-15 05:45来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]
“Well, bravo!” gushes1 Effie Trinket. “That’s the spirit of the
Games!” She’s pleased to finally have a district with a little action
going on in it. “What’s your name?”
I swallow hard. “Katniss Everdeen,” I say.
“I bet my buttons that was your sister. Don’t want her to
steal all the glory, do we? Come on, everybody! Let’s give a big
round of applause to our newest tribute!” trills Effie Trinket.
To the everlasting2 credit of the people of District 12, not
one person claps. Not even the ones holding betting slips, the
ones who are usually beyond caring. Possibly because they
know me from the Hob, or knew my father, or have encountered
Prim3, who no one can help loving. So instead of acknowledging
applause, I stand there unmoving while they
take part in the boldest form of dissent4 they can manage. Silence.
Which says we do not agree. We do not condone5. All of
this is wrong.
Then something unexpected happens. At least, I don’t expect
it because I don’t think of District 12 as a place that cares
about me. But a shift has occurred since I stepped up to take
Prim’s place, and now it seems I have become someone precious.
At first one, then another, then almost every member of
the crowd touches the three middle fingers of their left hand
to their lips and holds it out to me. It is an old and rarely used
gesture of our district, occasionally seen at funerals. It means
thanks, it means admiration6, it means good-bye to someone
you love.
Now I am truly in danger of crying, but fortunately Haymitch
chooses this time to come staggering across the stage to
congratulate me. “Look at her. Look at this one!” he hollers,
throwing an arm around my shoulders. He’s surprisingly
strong for such a wreck7. “I like her!” His breath reeks8 of liquor
and it’s been a long time since he’s bathed. “Lots of . . . “ He
can’t think of the word for a while. “Spunk!” he says 
triumphantly9. “More than you!” he releases me and starts for the
front of the stage. “More than you!” he shouts, pointing directly
into a camera.
Is he addressing the audience or is he so drunk he might actually
be taunting10 the Capitol? I’ll never know because just as
he’s opening his mouth to continue, Haymitch plummets11 off
the stage and knocks himself unconscious.
He’s disgusting, but I’m grateful. With every camera gleefully
trained on him, I have just enough time to release the small,
choked sound in my throat and compose myself. I put my
hands behind my back and stare into the distance.
I can see the hills I climbed this morning with Gale12. For a
moment, I yearn13 for something . . . the idea of us leaving the
district . . . making our way in the woods . . . but I know I was
right about not running off. Because who else would have 
volunteered for Prim?
Haymitch is whisked away on a stretcher, and Effie Trinket
is trying to get the ball rolling again. “What an exciting day!”
she warbles as she attempts to straighten her wig14, which has
listed severely15 to the right. “But more excitement to come! It’s
time to choose our boy tribute!” Clearly hoping to contain her
tenuous16 hair situation, she plants one hand on her head as she
crosses to the ball that contains the boys’ names and grabs the
first slip she encounters. She zips back to the podium, and I
don’t even have time to wish for Gale’s safety when she’s reading
the name. 


1 gushes 8d328d29a7f54e483bb2e76c1a5a6181     
n.涌出,迸发( gush的名词复数 )v.喷,涌( gush的第三人称单数 );滔滔不绝地说话
  • The stream gushes forth from the rock. 一股小溪从岩石中涌出来。 来自辞典例句
  • Fuel gushes into the combustion chamber. 燃料喷进燃烧室。 来自辞典例句
2 everlasting Insx7     
  • These tyres are advertised as being everlasting.广告上说轮胎持久耐用。
  • He believes in everlasting life after death.他相信死后有不朽的生命。
3 prim SSIz3     
  • She's too prim to enjoy rude jokes!她太古板,不喜欢听粗野的笑话!
  • He is prim and precise in manner.他的态度一本正经而严谨
4 dissent ytaxU     
  • It is too late now to make any dissent.现在提出异议太晚了。
  • He felt her shoulders gave a wriggle of dissent.他感到她的肩膀因为不同意而动了一下。
5 condone SnKyI     
  • I cannot condone the use of violence.我不能宽恕使用暴力的行为。
  • I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war.我绝不允许任何导致战争的行为。
6 admiration afpyA     
  • He was lost in admiration of the beauty of the scene.他对风景之美赞不绝口。
  • We have a great admiration for the gold medalists.我们对金牌获得者极为敬佩。
7 wreck QMjzE     
  • Weather may have been a factor in the wreck.天气可能是造成这次失事的原因之一。
  • No one can wreck the friendship between us.没有人能够破坏我们之间的友谊。
8 reeks 2b1ce62478954fcaae811ea0d5e13779     
n.恶臭( reek的名词复数 )v.发出浓烈的臭气( reek的第三人称单数 );散发臭气;发出难闻的气味 (of sth);明显带有(令人不快或生疑的跡象)
  • His statement reeks of hypocrisy. 他的话显然很虛伪。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • His manner reeks prosperity. 他的态度表现得好象有钱的样子。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
9 triumphantly 9fhzuv     
  • The lion was roaring triumphantly. 狮子正在发出胜利的吼叫。
  • Robert was looking at me triumphantly. 罗伯特正得意扬扬地看着我。
10 taunting ee4ff0e688e8f3c053c7fbb58609ef58     
嘲讽( taunt的现在分词 ); 嘲弄; 辱骂; 奚落
  • She wagged a finger under his nose in a taunting gesture. 她当着他的面嘲弄地摇晃着手指。
  • His taunting inclination subdued for a moment by the old man's grief and wildness. 老人的悲伤和狂乱使他那嘲弄的意图暂时收敛起来。
11 plummets 6ad2591440d0665e409f3090cf2e1ed2     
v.垂直落下,骤然跌落( plummet的第三人称单数 )
  • As a result, blood sugar plummets, sometimes even going below the baseline. 结果,血糖浓度迅速掉落,有时甚至落于基线之下。 来自互联网
  • State and local governments could continue to back as tax revenue plummets. 由于税收的直线下降,州和地方政府可能继续削减支出。 来自互联网
12 gale Xf3zD     
  • We got our roof blown off in the gale last night.昨夜的大风把我们的房顶给掀掉了。
  • According to the weather forecast,there will be a gale tomorrow.据气象台预报,明天有大风。
13 yearn nMjzN     
  • We yearn to surrender our entire being.我们渴望着放纵我们整个的生命。
  • Many people living in big cities yearn for an idyllic country life.现在的很多都市人向往那种田园化的生活。
14 wig 1gRwR     
  • The actress wore a black wig over her blond hair.那个女演员戴一顶黑色假发罩住自己的金黄色头发。
  • He disguised himself with a wig and false beard.他用假发和假胡须来乔装。
15 severely SiCzmk     
  • He was severely criticized and removed from his post.他受到了严厉的批评并且被撤了职。
  • He is severely put down for his careless work.他因工作上的粗心大意而受到了严厉的批评。
16 tenuous PIDz8     
  • He has a rather tenuous grasp of reality.他对现实认识很肤浅。
  • The air ten miles above the earth is very tenuous.距离地面十公里的空气十分稀薄。
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