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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《姐姐的守护者》精讲>


  • 《姐姐的守护者》精讲 01 When l was a kid, my mother told me... 当我还是个小孩子时,我妈妈告诉我 that l was a little piece of blue sky... 我是苍天的一小块 that came into this world because she and dad loved me so much. 由于父母的爱来到人间 l
  • 《姐姐的守护者》精讲 02 What can l do for you? 我能为你做什么吗? Fourteen karat gold. hardly ever worn. 14K金,基本没带过 That's my sister. Kate. 这是我的姐姐,Kate She's dying. 她快死了 ANNA: Montana? l don't get it. 蒙大拿?我没找到它
  • 《姐姐的守护者》精讲 03 That's not a word. BRIAN: What about that language? 这不仅仅是词藻 - 这种说法怎么样? Nice shirt. sissy. - Good. right? 这衬衫不错,小妹 - 很好看,对吧? Hey Mom you wanna see our routine? - What routine? 嘿,妈妈想不
  • 《姐姐的守护者》精讲 04 JESSE: You ready? Come on. Iet's go. 准备好了吗?来吧,走 Are you sure you want to do this? 你确定你要这么做? You know you're nuts. right? 你知道你疯了,是吧? l'll be right back. - All right. l'll be waiting. 我很快回
  • 《姐姐的守护者》精讲 05 My sister has leukemia. They're trying to force me to give her my body parts. 我姐姐得了白血病 他们试图迫使我捐献身体器官 You're supposed to give her a kidney? 你指的是给她一个肾? She's been in renal failure for months
  • 《姐姐的守护者》精讲 06 SARA: It's hard to imagine now... 现在很难想象 but there was a time before all this happened... 但曾几何时 when the kids were iust kids. and everyone was happy. 孩子仅仅是孩子,每个人都很快乐 SARA: Hi. baby. 嗨,宝贝 Whe
  • 《姐姐的守护者》精讲 07 WOMAN: Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald? 是Fitzgerald夫妇吗? l'm Ileana Farquad. 我是Ileana Farquad KATE: Hello. - Hi. 你好 - 你好 So l took a look at Kate's CBC. 我看了Kate的全血球计数 Her white blood count is very low. 她的白血细胞数
  • 《姐姐的守护者》精讲 08 Hello? 喂? but she wouldn't open the door. Your mom kicked it in. 但是她不肯开门,你妈妈踢开了门 We heard her coughing... 我们听到她咳嗽 I haven't gotten in touch with them. she's lost a lot of blood. 我还没有联系他们,
  • 《姐姐的守护者》精讲 09 NGUYEN: Kate's leuhemia is back. Kate的白血病复发了 She's no longer missing. 她撑不久的 CHANCE: We've looked at her smear... 我们检查了她的呕吐物 and her leukemic cells are showing at 23%. 她的白细胞含量是23% How many
  • 《姐姐的守护者》精讲 10 l'd like to suggest something completely off the record. 我想建议一些记录上完全没有提及的事 Many times one sibling isn't a match. but another is. 很多时候一个兄弟姐妹不匹配,但另一个会 Have you considered having an
  • 《姐姐的守护者》精讲 11 Someone here to see you. 有人来看你了 MAN: Sara Fitzgerald? - Yes. - Sara Fitzgerald? 是我 You've been served. 你被起诉了 KELLY: What is that? 那是什么? SARA: 'Petition for medical emancipation by.... 医学自由请愿书 SARA:
  • 《姐姐的守护者》精讲 12 BRIAN: All right. Iet's hear it. What's going on? 好吧,让我们听听,发生了什么? Okay. 好吧 Forget about the fact that the operation is dangerous. or that it would hurt... 忘了手术很危险这个事实,或者它可能伤害 or
  • 《姐姐的守护者》精讲 13 BRIAN: Mom needs to cool off a bit. She's a little upset. 妈妈要冷静一会,她有点心烦 ANNA: Yeah. l heard her. 嘿,我听见啦 Get her out of here. l don't want to look at her face anymore.' 带她走,我再也不想看见她 BRIAN:
  • 《姐姐的守护者》精讲 14 SARA: What do you mean. you don't know? 你什么意思,你不知道? BRIAN: She won't talk. 她不肯说 You know. maybe she just wants to be considered. 你知道,她可能仅仅是想得到尊重 Take the credit that it's her decision. l don
  • 《姐姐的守护者》精讲 15 GLORIA: Your 1 1: OO appointment is here. 你十一点约的人来了 l don't have an 1 1: OO. GLORIA: Wait. you can't go in there. 我没约人 - 等等,你不能进来 Mr. Alexander l'm Sara Fitzgerald. Anna's mother. Alexander先生,我是Sara