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  • 经济学人: 孤独症 (3) Follow-up examinations of the mice in all these experiments looked at the strengths of connections between nerve cells within part of the brain called the ventral tegmental region. 在所有这些实验中,老鼠的后续检查是观察中脑腹侧被
  • 经济学人: 热带疾病 (1) Malaria killed 435,000 people last year, most of them in Africa. 去年435,000人死于疟疾,其中大部分在非洲。 The parasite that causes the illness is carried by females of some, but not all, species of mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles.
  • 经济学人: 热带疾病 (2) Properly analysed, Fraunhofer lines provide information about the exact chemical make-up of whatever is reflecting the light. 经过恰当分析,夫琅和费谱线可以提供关于任何反光物体的化学组成的确切信息。 Their patterns
  • 经济学人: 搜寻火星生命 (1) On earth, most of the methane in the atmosphere has been belched by living organisms, 在地球上,大气中的大部分甲烷都是由活着的生物体喷出的, so finding the gas on Mars would be happy news for seekers after extraterrestrial
  • 经济学人: 搜寻火星生命 (2) Regardless of their source, any methane molecules in Mars's atmosphere would, on the basis of experiments on Earth, be expected to hang around for centuries. 不论它从何而来,根据地球的实验,火星大气中的任何甲烷分子将有望徘