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  • 经济学人:空气污染:吹走它(2) Another good candidate would be a government-run plant at Badarpur, less than 50km from the middle of Delhi. 另一个较好的选择便是位于巴达普(距德里市中心不到50千米)的官办工厂。 According to the Centre for Science and
  • 经济学人:迁徙美洲:检查站(1) Science and Technology 科技 Peopling the Americas: Checkpoint 迁徙美洲:检查站 The first migrants to the new world had to wait 8000 years to be admitted. 新大陆的第一批移民在8000年后才被公认。 How America was originally col
  • 经济学人:性感吸引:我的化学浪漫(1) Science and Technology 科技 Sexual Attractiveness: My chemical romance 性感吸引:我的化学浪漫 Two putative human sex pheromones turn out not to be. 关于人类的两种性信息素的假说被证明是不成立的. For several decades b
  • 经济学人:性感吸引:我的化学浪漫(2) Dr Hare and his colleagues took 43 men and 51 women, all of them straight, and gave them two tasks. Hare博士和他的同事们找了43名男性和51名女性,他们都是异性恋,给了他们两个任务。 One was to decide whether an androgy
  • 经济学人:授粉:为何雄蜂很差劲?(1) Science and Technology 科技 Pollination: Why the bees sucks? 授粉:为何雄蜂很差劲? Plans for artificial pollinators are afoot. 人造授粉者计划蓄势待发 It is, in one way, the ultimate drone. 人造雄蜂堪称终极的飞行利器
  • 经济学人:授粉:为何雄蜂很差劲?(2) It is a modified version of a commercially available robot quadcopter, 42mm across. (By comparison, a honeybee worker is about 15mm long.) 它就是市面上可以见到的那种四轴飞行器,只不过经过了改装,全长仅为42mm(相比之下
  • 经济学人:天文学:新星诞生(1) Science and Techonology 科技 Astronomy: De Nova Stella 天文学:新星诞生 Astronomers predict a Stella explosion will happen in 5 years time. 天文学家预测5年之内会发生一次星际爆炸 Amateur astronomers have a new date for thei
  • 经济学人:天文学:新星诞生(2) Dr Molnar s interest was piqued at a conference in 2013, Molnar博士的兴趣源于2013年的一次会议, when Karen Kinemuchi, another astronomer, presented some puzzling findings on a particular star seen by Kepler, a space telescope designed c
  • 经济学人:"一孕傻三年"有科学依据(1) Science and technology: Neuroscience: Brain mater 科技:神经科学:脑膜 Scanning reveals what pregnancy does to a mothers brain. 扫描揭示了怀孕对母亲大脑的影响。 As any parent will tell you, once you have had children nothing
  • 经济学人:"一孕傻三年"有科学依据(2) Pregnancy, then, does indeed do things to a womans brain. 那么怀孕确实对母亲的大脑有影响。 But what exactly those things mean is hard to tease out. 但是具体对大脑有什么影响很难弄清。 Neuroscientists do not really unde
  • 经济学人:"人脑PK计算机" 人类智慧的褪色?(1) Technology Quarterly 科技季刊 Technology Quarterly on language: Brain scan: Terry Winograd 科技季刊:脑部扫描:特里威诺格拉德 The Winograd Schema tests computers' understanding of the real world. Winograd模式测试计算机对真
  • 经济学人:"人脑PK计算机" 人类智慧的褪色?(2) In 2011 Hector Levesque of the University of Toronto became annoyed by systems that passed the Turing Test by joking and avoiding direct answers. 2011年多伦多大学Hector Levesque对那些靠开玩笑和不直接回答问题通过图灵测试的系
  • 经济学人:太阳物理和古生物学:"石"事求是(1) Science and Technology: Solar physics and paleontology: Set in stone 科技:太阳物理和古生物学:石事求是 An ancient forest reveals the suns behaviour 290m years ago. 远古树木向人们揭示二亿九千万年前的太阳活动情况。
  • 经济学人:太阳物理和古生物学:"石"事求是(2) They have been able to apply the tree-ring method to petrifiedtrunks from a nearby fossil forest. 他们能够将判断树年轮的方式应用在附近石化森林的一颗石化的树木上。 This forest (imagined in an artists impression above) w
  • 经济学人:熊猫遗传学:熊猫的远亲是谁?(1) Science and technology: Panda genetics 科技:熊猫遗传学 Hey dude. Give me six! 嘿,伙计。用六指击个掌吧! Two strange mammals illuminate the process of natural selection. 两种不同的哺乳动物阐明自然选择的过程。