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  • 纪录片《地球劫难日》 第16期 陨石坑伤疤 The asteroid that hit the earth at the time of the dinosaur extinction was at least 10km diameter. 撞击地球导致恐龙灭绝的小行星直径至少是10公里。 The Permian mass extinction is even more severe, 二叠纪生物大灭绝更加严重
  • 纪录片《地球劫难日》 第17期 撞击坑 In a conventional view of an impact, we have a high speed asteroid which hits the earth's crust, 按照传统的大碰撞观点,一颗小行星高速撞上地壳 and makes a crater instantaneously which is very deep. 立即形成一个很深的撞击
  • 纪录片《地球劫难日》 第18期 毫无线索 And the final part of the model shows that lava has filled the crater and flowed beyond the edges of the crater 模拟的最后阶段显示熔岩灌满了陨石坑,甚至漫出陨石坑的边缘。 and the original crater structure, we can see the
  • 纪录片《地球劫难日》 第19期 石英晶体 Greg Retallack was one of those involved in the search. Greg Retallack是其中一位搜寻者。 He concentrated his efforts in Antarctica. 他的工作重点是在南极洲。 There was definitely a missing piece to this whole thing, 整件事中的确
  • 纪录片《地球劫难日》 第20期 金属元素铱 This quartz had a very strange set of parallel fracture-like fused planes, running through it at several angles. 这种石英中有非常奇怪的平行裂丝状结构,从各个角度贯穿晶体。 Something had shuttered the quartz. 看来有什么
  • 纪录片《地球劫难日》 第21期 寻找可信的证据 No traces of iridium dust and not much shattered quartz. It didn't add up. 既没有铱元素的踪迹,也没有多少破碎石英。这完全说不通。 For a meteor to kill 95% of all life on earth, it should have been the size of Manhattan. 既然
  • 纪录片《地球劫难日》 第22期 探险格陵兰 It's a country known to contain Permian rock, but always considered too difficult to explore. 那里以富含二叠纪岩石而闻名,但一直被认为是一个探索的艰险之地。 In the late 1990s, he took a gamble and flew out there. 上世纪
  • 纪录片《地球劫难日》 第23期 格陵兰岩层 We were astounded by just how much, how much cliff there was to examine. 我们都很吃惊竟然要测定这么宽的崖壁。 The whole Permian extinction story seemed to be spread through tens of meters of cliff, 看起来这几十米的崖壁应该
  • 纪录片《地球劫难日》 第24期 研究标本 Wignall now suspected he was onto something big. Wignall希望他能有大的发现。 The expedition spent a month amassing samples. 考察队花了几个月收集标本。 They shipped back 20 crates of rock to Britain. 他们寄回英国的标本多
  • 纪录片《地球劫难日》 第25期 大灭绝的三个阶段 There was just a huge range of little tiny fossils in these rocks, 这些岩石中包藏着大量微小的化石, which were telling us in fantastic detail just what was going on at this time 含有关于那个时期相当丰富的信息, and the
  • 纪录片《地球劫难日》 第26期 同位素碳-12 Three long, slow phases, sprawled over at least 80,000 years, 3个漫长缓慢的过程总共延续了8万年之久, very different from how the meteor theorists had seen it. 与先前的天体碰撞论大相径庭。 Yet Wignall was still no close
  • 纪录片《地球劫难日》 第27期 解谜的密钥 The key to the puzzle would come from a totally unexpected quarter. 解谜的密钥来自一个出人意料的地方。 Gerry Dickens is a geologist working on new sources of energy. Gerry Dickens是一位研究能源开采的地质学家。 He had n
  • 纪录片《地球劫难日》 第28期 冰冻甲烷 Could these massive reservoirs of methane, he now wondered, be the source of the carbon 12 found in Permian rocks 他现在想知道,这些大型甲烷矿藏是否就是二叠纪岩层中碳-12的来源, and if it was, how did it get there? 如果是
  • 纪录片《地球劫难日》 第29期 碳-12激增的原因 To explain the amount of carbon 12 that we see in the geologic record 对于地质记录中发现大量碳-12的解释是, we need to warm up the bottom water by somewhere in the order of about 5℃ 海底某处的水温可能升高了大约5℃。
  • 纪录片《地球劫难日》 第30期 二叠纪杀手 4/5℃, not enough to kill the world, but then Wignall realized this was only part of the story. 4-5℃并不足以毁灭世界,但后来Wignall意识到这只是故事的一部分。 For the methane to melt, something must already have raised worl