纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 16听懂我们讲的话
We look at our dogs and we see an intelligence, 当我们观察狗狗 我们可以 An ability to interact with us 在他们身上发现所有其他的 unlike any other domesticated animal. 被驯化动物所不具备的智慧和能力 But are dogs re
纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 17狗懂得暗示
As simple as it seems to us, even our 这对我们来说看似是很简单的任务 nearest primate relatives failed the task miserably. 而与我们最接近的灵长类亲戚却失败了 She's not really focusing on me 她并不是真的注意我 a
纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 18人与狗交流
Humans have unique almond-shaped eyes 人类的眼睛是唯一的杏仁状的眼睛 with exposed white sclera visible on each side. 你可以清楚地看到两边暴露出来的巩膜 One hypothesis is that we have evolved those eyes 有一个假象就
纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 19狗的智力极限
The fact they're quite young puppies can do something, 事实是他们是非常小的小狗 If they learn it, they learn it very quickly, 如果他们学了 他们会学得非常快 and it's obviously that they are ready to do it 很明显地是他们已
纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 20区分物品
I think it was when she was four or five months old, 我记得大概是她4到5个月大的时候 When she spontaneously started to connect human words to items. 她开始自然地把单词同物品联系起来 When we were discussing shall we play w
纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 21狗的智力
In its essence the picture is something 从本质上说图片与实物有很大的区别 very different as the object, so it's a piece of paper 纸张其实是二维的 And it's two-dimensional, but it's representing something, 但他描绘了某样物
纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 22狗的特殊感情
Scientists in Hungary set out to answer this question. 匈牙利科学家正在尝试找出这一问题的答案 We wanted to see whether the special relationships between humans 我们想知道人类与狗之间的特殊感情 and dogs are due to na
纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 23幼狼
Unlike dogs, the wolf cub did not respond appointing. 不同于狗 狼崽几乎不回应任何指令 In fact they hardly made eye contact with humans at all. 事实上他们很少与人类进行眼神接触 The cubs were behaving as they would do in
纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 24驯养狼
After four months the cubs had to be returned to the reserve. 4个月之后幼狼不得送回到原来的地方 The experiment had proved that upbringing has little impact. 实验证明了后天教养的作用其实很小 It's impossible to turn a wo
纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 25狐狸的变化
We approached the animals in the cages 我们靠近观察笼里的动物 And recorded their reactions to us. 并记录下他们对我们的反映 We could see that some of the foxes showed aggressive behaviour. 我们可以看到有些狐狸展现了其
纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 26这是条恶龙
This isn't a fox - it's a dragon. 这可不是狐狸 这是条恶龙 It's allowed researchers to make unique comparisons 研究者对温顺与侵略的狐狸 between tame and aggressive foxes. 进行了对比和参照 Translation: we did an experimen
纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 27培育温顺狗的过程
What this shows is that when you select 结论表明 在挑选的(实验对象)时候 against aggression, 除去那些攻击性强的个体 You get almost all the same suite of 再来把狗和狼的繁殖实验进行比较 changes that you see when y
纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 28强化狗的特征
In the past few hundred years, 在过去的几百年间 we've taken dogs' infantile features 我们提取了狗狗们孩子气的特性 and emphasised them even further through selective breeding. 并通过选择性繁殖来强化这些特性 We've c
纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 29为什么想去照顾狗
Dogs, puppies have very infant-like features 那些狗狗 和婴儿的特征非常像 and maybe that's one of the reasons why we think 也许这就是为什么我们认为 they are so cute is that they remind us of 狗狗如此可爱的原因 the inf
纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 30抚育生命
We found that within a seventh of a second 我们发现在1/7秒内 there was activity in the frontal part of the brain, 在大脑的前端部分有活动 just over the eyebrows, in the orbitofrontal of cortex 刚好眉毛上方 眼窝前额皮质处
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