The answer to the production-line Technicolor glamour1 of American life.
Yes, just watch the fur fly as the most talked-about girls in Hollywood go out loaded for big game.
是的 请看这流言蜚语 好莱坞备受瞩目的女孩们 为了大人物喝得烂醉
But perhaps there was another way to look at that glitz,a lovingly ironic2 look which would remake it as American iconography.
但也许可以从另一个角度看这种浮华 一种讽刺但有充满爱意的角度 于是这种浮华被重塑为美国肖像研究
Those artists who chose not to hold their noses at popular culture but bring it into their art clearly owed something to that old tease of Marcel Duchamp's,
这些艺术家选择 不让自己与流行文化齐平 而是把它带入他们的艺术中 当然这要归功于马塞尔·杜尚的玩笑
that anything could be art if it was framed and labelled as such.
任何事物都可以成为艺术 只要它被放入画框内贴上标签
For the high priests of abstraction, pop was an outrage,a wallowing in the junk from which art was supposed to redeem3 us.
对于抽象主义的大师来说 波普是一种暴行 艺术本是救赎 而这是源源不断的垃圾
Yet it's this visual greediness which has made contemporary art such a hit, the sense that the quality of the art and its subtlety4 isn't necessarily compromised by its playfulness.
但正是视觉的贪欲让当代艺术 给我们造成这样大的冲击 艺术的特质和敏锐 没有妥协于玩乐
But of course, enjoying pop art doesn't mean to say you can't also surrender to the great abstract machines.
当然 享受波普艺术并不意味着 你不能屈服于抽象主义的大潮流
Everything, all of this,feeds into the spectacular art universe of today.
所有这一切 共同造就了如今令人惊叹的艺术世界
But there are some contemporary artists for whom neither abstraction nor pop art is quite enough,
because they want to return to the original,morally charged mission of modernism,to rescue us from the numbing5 routine of daily life.
因为他们想返璞归真 想回到能引起人们强烈情感的现代艺术 以此拯救我们远离日常生活的琐碎
They want to bring us up short, to bring us close to the drama of the human condition, to make us see,feel and think it intensely all over again.
他们想快速培养我们 让我们接近人性的戏剧 让我们一遍又一遍 专注地去看 去感受 以及去思考
And it turns out that in order to do this,they have to return and engage with exactly all those things that modern art thought it had banished6 forever
结果证明 为了能做到这一点 他们必须回到所有被现代艺术 彻底抛弃的东西上
- the human figure,the materials of nature and, above all,those endless, haunting stories which never, ever go away.
那就是人像自然的素材 最重要的是那些永无止境的永远无法忘怀的故事

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n.魔力,魅力;vt.迷住 | |
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adj.讽刺的,有讽刺意味的,出乎意料的 | |
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v.买回,赎回,挽回,恢复,履行(诺言等) | |
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n.微妙,敏锐,精巧;微妙之处,细微的区别 | |
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adj.使麻木的,使失去感觉的v.使麻木,使麻痹( numb的现在分词 ) | |
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v.放逐,驱逐( banish的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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