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  • 纪录片《重力错乱》 第01期 超级难题 There's a force of nature that's baffled the most famous names in the history of science. 有一种自然的力量,难倒过科学史上最杰出的名人。 Galileo laid the foundations but didn't get any further. 伽利略奠定了基本原理,但
  • 纪录片《重力错乱》 第02期 捉摸不透的引力 I'm Brian Cox, particle physicist. 我叫布莱恩.考克斯,是位粒子物理学家。 I have one of the best jobs in the world. 我有着世界上最好的工作。 I have to find out what are the fundamental building blocks of the universe. 我要
  • 纪录片《重力错乱》 第03期 牛顿和苹果的故事 But there's something missing in our understanding of what gravity is and how gravity works. 然而我们对引力的属性和机理的认识上还有所不足。 Getting to the bottom of the problem has vexed scientists as far back as the Ancient Gr
  • 纪录片《重力错乱》 第04期 牛顿万有引力定律 Newton believed that gravity is a force that acts throughout the entire universe. 牛顿认为引力是作用遍布整个宇宙的力。 In 1686, he finally managed to break it down into one single mathematical equation. 1686年,他终于设法将它
  • 纪录片《重力错乱》 第05期 人类登月 Nearly 300 years after the falling apple... 在苹果掉下来近300年后... it was Newton's ability to predict how the Moon orbits the Earth that allowed us to take a giant leap. 牛顿所预言的月球围绕着地球运转的天赋,使我们取得
  • 纪录片《重力错乱》 第06期 月球上的反射镜 Back in '69, Neil and Buzz left more than footprints behind. 在1969年,尼尔和巴兹身后留下的不止是脚印。 They offloaded a special set of mirrors that could be used to test Newton's theory of gravity. 他们卸下了一套特别的镜子
  • 纪录片《重力错乱》 第07期 艰难的实验 The mirrors left on the Moon allow Peter to make a very accurate measurement. 留在月球上的镜子能让Peter进行非常精确的测量。 Using a telescope with a built-in laser, Peter can precisely measure the distance from the Earth to the Mo
  • 纪录片《重力错乱》 第08期 奇怪的现象 By taking accurate measurements of the distance between the Earth and the Moon, 经过精确测量地球与月球之间的距离, day after day, year after year, for nearly four decades, an incredibly precise map of the Moon's orbit has been produc
  • 纪录片《重力错乱》 第09期 需要超越牛顿 This is an amazing result. 这是个惊异的结果 We've relied on Newton for 300 years, his equations certainly appear to work really well. 我们信赖牛顿已经有300年了,他的方程式确实看起来效果非常好。 Yet it seems that th
  • 纪录片《重力错乱》 第10期 越过沙漠去玩物理 To solve this fundamental flaw, we've got to take gravity out of the hands of the divine. 为了解决这个基本的缺陷,我们要把引力从神的手里夺过来。 We've got to discover for ourselves how gravity works. 我们已经自己发现了
  • 纪录片《重力错乱》 第11期 一对近乎孪生的星系 But outside the weather's not good. 然而外面的天气不好。 They're not opening the telescopes tonight. 他们今晚不能打开望远镜。 But here's what they saw all those years ago. 然而这里是他们所有这么多年以来所看到的东
  • 纪录片《重力错乱》 第12期 牛顿与爱因斯坦的宇宙观 This strange idea of spacetime is certainly radical. 这个奇怪的时空概念无疑很激进。 In one sweeping action, Einstein's theory of relativity completely changed our picture of the universe. 通过包罗万象的作用,爱因斯坦的相对
  • 纪录片《重力错乱》 第13期 爱因斯坦的引力论 That image of duplicate galaxies can be explained by the bending of spacetime. 那个完全一样的星系可以用时空的弯曲来解释。 What's happening is that light from a distant galaxy is passing by a galaxy 那个情况是由于遥远星系
  • 纪录片《重力错乱》 第14期 全球定位系统总部 Einstein says that our planet is distorting the spacetime. 爱因斯坦称我们的地球正在弯曲时空。 And it's this curving of the fabric of the universe that creates the effect we feel as gravity. 这个宇宙构造的弯曲造成了我们所
  • 纪录片《重力错乱》 第15期 GPS网络 This is Schriever basing in Colorado Springs. 这里是科罗拉多斯普林斯的施里弗。 It's a maximum security military installation. 这是个高度设防的军事设施。 This Denver's base without a runway. It's the home of the global pos