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  • 看老友记学英语 乔伊头上卡了只火鸡 What's going on? 乔伊?怎么了? Oh,my God! 我的天哪 I know! It's stuck! 我知道 它卡住了 Step. 小心台阶 How did it get on? 它怎么会跑到你头上? I put it on to scare Chandler. 是我套上去想吓钱德 Oh,my God! Monic
  • 看老友记学英语 重温悲惨感恩节 You did look like an idiot. 你看起来真的很白痴 I wasn't the only one who looked like an idiot. 白痴的不只是我 Remember when Ross tried to say butternut squash... 罗斯有一次想说冬南瓜 ...and it came out, squatternut bosh? 结果
  • 看老友记学英语 叫爸爸妈妈吧 俗辣! I cannot believe Chip dumped me for that slut Nancy Branson! 奇普居然为了那个花痴南茜 而甩了我 I am never going out with him again. I don't care how much he begs. 我再也不跟他约会了 他再怎么求我也没用 His begging day
  • 看老友记学英语 不想跟肥猪妹妹在一起 I'm thinking of asking Rachel out tonight...maybe playing her that song we wrote last week. 我晚上打算约瑞秋出去弹我们上周写的那首歌给她听 Emotional Knapsack? Yes. Right on! 忧愁的背包? 对 漂亮 But don't take long. We
  • 看老友记学英语 眼前一亮的大变身 Happy Thanksgiving. 感恩节快乐 Your hair sure is different. 你的发型变了好多 We were just talking about that. 我们刚才还在讲 We can't believe how stupid we used to look. 我们以前真的好蠢 Where's Monica? 摩妮卡呢? She
  • 看老友记学英语 “冰上拇趾秀”闹剧 Twenty-year-old male. 什么状况? 20岁男性 He's got a severed toe on his right foot. 右脚拇趾被切到 Could you please not do that feet first? 别撞到他的脚好吗? You know where his injury is. Severed toe,you just said it! 你明知
  • 看老友记学英语 脱口而出我爱你 I can't believe this. -I said I was sorry. 我真不敢相信 钱德,我都道歉了 Sorry doesn't bring back the piggy that cried all the way home. 道歉也换不回 我那思乡情切的小趾尖 It figures that something like this would happen
  • 看老友记学英语 谁偷吃了我的三明治 What's wrong,buddy? 你怎么啦? Someone at work ate my sandwich. 有同事偷吃我的三明治 What did the police say? 条子怎么说? My Thanksgiving leftover sandwich. 那是感恩节剩下的三明治 I can't believe someone ate it. 竟然给
  • 看老友记学英语 《呼啸山庄》引发的姐妹芥蒂 The Bronte sisters were remarkable women for their time. 布朗蒂姐妹是当代的杰出女性 They lived in a patriarchal society. 当时是父系社会 Sorry I'm late, but I left late. 抱歉迟到,因为我太晚出门 So,what is the book abou
  • 看老友记学英语 菲比的手段 What's wrong,buddy? 你怎么啦? Someone at work ate my sandwich. 有同事偷吃我的三明治 What did the police say? 条子怎么说? My Thanksgiving leftover sandwich. 那是感恩节剩下的三明治 I can't believe someone ate it. 竟然给
  • 看老友记学英语 对人耍狠就能呼风唤雨? Your note? 你那张纸条 Amazing! 真是了不起 Not only did no one touch my sandwich... 不但没人敢碰我的三明治 ...but people at work are actually afraid of me. 而且还开始对我敬畏三分 A guy called me Mental. 还有人叫我疯
  • 看老友记学英语 无奈背黑锅的乔伊 This was really fun. 今天真有意思 I've been wondering if you'd ask me out. 我本来还怀疑你会不会约我 So you still wondering? 你还在怀疑吗? No. We just went out. 我们已经去约会啦 You're smart. 你真聪明 I like that.
  • 看老友记学英语 你吃饱撑着啊? What are you doing? -I reorganized the fridge. 你在做什么? 我重新整理过冰箱 See? Bottom shelf, meats and dairy. Middle shelf,fruits and vegetables. 最底下放肉跟奶制品 中间放水果蔬菜 And top shelf,expired products. 最上面
  • 看老友记学英语 最会唬人的菲比 Hey,you guys! Guess what? 告诉你们 The British are coming? 英国人要打来啦? Oh,you and your ways. 你的笑话真冷 Since it's Christmas, I'm going to be collecting donations. 耶诞节快到了 我要负责去乐捐募款 I have my bell
  • 看老友记学英语 我要跟丹尼约会咯 Oh,my God. Here's Danny. 天啊,丹尼在那边 Just watch this. 你们看 See? Still pretending he's not interested. 看见没?还在假装对我没兴趣 He's coming over. Pretend we've forgotten who he is. 他走过来了,大家装不认识他