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  • 绿箭侠第一季 第254期:吐露心声 Are you cleaning out your desk? No. A friend's. 你在清理你的桌子吗?不,朋友的 You asked to see me. 你找我 Why don't you take a seat. Ok. 坐吧。好 I'm ready to listen now. Thank you. 我准备好听你说了。谢谢 I, uh, hear
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第255期:谈判 Your plan, your call. Fyers. 你的计划,你做主。法尔斯。 Mr. Queen. I thought I might be hearing from you. 奎恩先生,我知道你会联系我 We have the circuit board. 电路板在我们手里 You're making a grave mistake. 你这是自
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第256期:瞄准房地产开发商 Lawyers for John Nickels spoke to the press today. 约翰尼克的律师今天发表声明 They say they're pleased the D.A. declined from the recent fire in to indict their client on charges stemming one of Nickel's buildings. 他们很高兴看到地
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第257期:被人抢先一步 He was just gone? 他出去了吗 No! Not gone. Taken. 不,不是出去,是被绑架了 Looks like Nickel was on somebody else's list, too. 貌似尼克还在别人的名单上啊 After the fire last night, it's not entirely surprising. 昨晚那场
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第258期:小情侣吵架 Now you want to stop? 这会儿怎么停了 Well, we don't all have butlers. 你以为每户都有管家呀 You know, some of us actually have to answer our own doors. 得自己去开门 Oh, the horror. 真讨厌 You look familiar. Did I see you on T
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第259期:为寻找莎拉而努力 Hey, honey. There you go. 嘿,宝贝。给。 Um, what's all this? 这是什么情况 Well, you asked me to look into your mother's leads on Sarah, so I made some calls. 你要我从你妈的线索下手找莎拉,我打了几个电话 It looks li
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第260期:狄格的担忧 Hungrier than I thought. 比想象中饿呀 Are you waiting for me to finish before giving me the lecture? 等我吃完你要发表演讲吗 Oliver, you've been spending a lot of time under that hood the last couple weeks. 奥利弗,这几周你扮演
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第261期:替天行道者? What the hell is going on? 发生什么了 Found Nickel. Click the link I just sent you. 找到尼克了,打开我刚发你的链接 This came up on every screen with an I.P. address originating from the Glades. 每个IP手机都收到了,从林中
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第262期:对手的第二个目标 Anything new? 发现什么了 This guy's definitely got more than a subscription to Wired. 这个家伙绝对不止连线这么简单 His website's protected by some very serious encryption. 他的网站经过严格的加密保护 Well, use that air
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第263期:担心阴谋暴露 What did Malcolm want with you last night? 在医院的时候,马尔科姆想让你做什么 A target for reprisal. 一个报复的目标 He wants justice, and he's not going to stop until he gets it. Besides, this is good. 他想要以牙还牙,他
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第264期:西娅问计劳瑞尔 Hey, can I talk to you about something? Almost woman to woman. 我能跟你聊聊吗?女人之间的谈话 I'm really busy right now. Ok. 我现在很忙。好吧 Thea. Sorry. What's up? 西娅。抱歉。怎么了? I could use some advice. 我需要
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第265期:奥利弗出动 I got him! Shut it down. 找到他了!关了他的信号 Can't. He has a firewall protecting his wireless signal. 不行,他有防火墙保护无线信号 But he's working off an IPX located at 23rd and Mira. 但他在23街和米拉街之间有个
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第266期:失手 Oh, crap. What? 噢,见鬼。什么 How is this possible?! This can't happen! He's... Talk to me! Wait. 这怎么可能,怎么会,他...跟我说。等等 He moved. Just north of you. Ocean and Grand. On my way! 他移动了,就在你的北边,
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第267期:费利西蒂自责不已 Where's Diggle? 狄格尔呢 I asked him to leave me alone. In my loud voice. 我大声对他说,我要静一静 This wasn't your fault. 这不是你的错 I was the one who was supposed to find Carnahan, and I was the one who sent you that bogus l
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第268期:希望破灭 I wanted to do some research on my own into the evidence that you gathered on Sarah. 你收集的关于莎拉的证据,我想自己做些调查 So I called my friend from law school who works at the Chinese embassy, and... 所以我拜托了一个大