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  • 绿箭侠第一季 第211期:街头狂飙 That broach was donated by the Queen family. 胸针由奎恩家族捐赠 If you want it, you're going to have to bid. 想要就得出价 Actually, love, I thought I'd just take it. 宝贝,我想我可以直接拿走 Maybe I should check out front,
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第212期:杀死幕后者 Don't do anything stupid. 别做傻事 I had the foresight to collar up a particularly inquisitive blonde. 我很有预见性地给一金发妞戴了项圈,她好奇心太重了 I assume she's a friend of yours. 猜你是她朋友 Touch one hair on
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第213期:西娅前往贫民窟 You know,last night all I could think about was how pissed off Andy will be; 昨一整晚我都在想安迪该有多生气 how hurt he'll be if he saw us together. 看到我们在一起会多受伤 But that's nothing compared to how he'd be if I did
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第213期:西娅前往贫民窟 You know,last night all I could think about was how pissed off Andy will be; 昨一整晚我都在想安迪该有多生气 how hurt he'll be if he saw us together. 看到我们在一起会多受伤 But that's nothing compared to how he'd be if I did
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第214期:再约麦肯纳 Do you ever take time off? 你不休息的吗 I do. In fact, last night I went on a date. 有啊。昨晚我就去约会了 The guy was kind of a jerk. 那家伙真混蛋 Really? He might have had a reason. 是嘛?他也许有苦衷 McKenna, I didn
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第215期:除掉直升机罪犯 What do you mean, the chopper's about to touch down? 直升机要降落了是什么意思 The flight log doesn't have them due for another 20 minutes! 飞行记录不允许再给他们20分钟 Then lock down the heliport! 那就封锁停机坪 I've j
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第216期:黑入巴雷拉的手机 Now the trick is to keep your weight evenly distributed. 关键是你要让体重均匀分布 I thought the trick was to avoid getting into fights. 我还以为是避免打架呢 Yeah, well, Starling City's where you can talk not the kind of place yo
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第217期:荒岛修理无线电 Four. 四个 Well, I'm more of a runner. 我还是比较适合跑步 Why the sudden desire to work out? 为什么那么急着要健身 What else is there to do? 不然还能做什么 Well, we can try to think of another way off the island. 我们可以
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第218期:汤米的生日 Hey. Sorry I'm late. 抱歉我来晚了 No, I am. I just got caught up at the office. 是我晚了,被困在了办公室 Me, too. You look nice. 我也是。你真漂亮 We should go inside. We should. 我们应该进去。应该 We don't seem to b
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第219期:不速之客 I think that's the food. Oh, ok. 大概是外卖。好 Oh, thank God, she didn't cook. Amen. 幸亏她没做饭。是啊 Mr. Merlyn. Laurel. Can I come in? Oliver. 梅林先生。劳瑞尔,我能进来吗?奥利弗. Mr. Merlyn. 梅林先生 I've
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第220期:赏金杀手 Hello, Lawton. I see your edge has dulled. 你好,罗通。你的刀刃有点钝了 Oh, I knew you were there. I just didn't care if you killed me. 我知道你在那儿。你是否要杀我,我不在乎 What do you want? 你想怎么样 My organ
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第221期:锁定玉龙餐馆 Moira. Is it happening? 莫伊拉。是真的吗 Yes. The Humanitarian Award ceremony. 对。人道主义奖颁奖礼上 Isn't that a little public? 太公开化了点吧 No one will expect it. 没人会料到的 I have very welcome news to share wit
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第222期:关于父亲的讨论 That is...that is one big fried fish. 这条鱼真大 I was told this was the most authentic Szechwan in town. 我听说这家川菜是本市最正宗的 Whatever. I wanted to make sure that your birthday celebration got its due celebration. 我希望好
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第223期:尝试无线电求助 I hope you like barbecue. 希望你爱吃烤肉 Well, don't fall over yourself thanking me for spending six hours up a tree so you can eat. 不用太过感恩,我在树上埋伏了6小时,给你弄了口吃的 What? Great. I'll eat later. 你说啥
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第224期:暗流涌动 Lance. The Triad have hired a contract killer. 兰斯。三合会雇了个职业杀手 Yeah? You mean the one you put in the morgue? 是吗,你说停尸房那个 Congratulations, you're the talk of the station again. 恭喜,你又成警察局的谈