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  • 绿箭侠第一季 第344期:沃尔特回到家中 Everything's exactly as you left it. 一切都和你离开前一样 How are you feeling, Walter? 你感觉怎么样,沃尔特? I'm on the mend, thank you, Oliver. 还在恢复中,谢谢,奥利弗。 Oh, I'm so glad you're home. 真高兴你回家
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第345期:齐聚一堂 You! Save it. We don't have the luxury of indulging in vendettas. 是你!省省吧。我们可没空让你复仇。 Ba! Shado. You led Fyers right to us, you coward! 爸!莎朵。你指引法尔斯找到了我们,你这懦夫! Fyers was about
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第346期:就黑色的箭展开调查 Arrows are black, not green. Copycat archer again. 箭支是黑色的,而非绿色。又是弓箭手的模仿者。 Psychopaths are color-coding themselves now. That's helpful. 变态们在给自己打上色标。这有助于我们破案。 Yeah, e
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第347期:对质时遭袭击 Hey, mom. Walter's upstairs resting. I think he's... doing well, don't you? 妈妈。沃尔特在楼上休息。我觉得他状态挺好的,你觉得呢? Who took him? Well, we don't know yet. 谁劫走了他?我们目前还不知道。 But I'm
  • 绿箭侠第一季( 第348期:企图毁掉中国经济 Mom! Oliver. Are you ok? Oliver? 妈妈!奥利弗。你还好吗?奥利弗? What--what-- We got to get out of here. 什么...什么...我们得离开这里。 Moira Queen... you have failed the city. 莫伊拉奎恩,你辜负了这座城市。
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第349期:西娅潜入警局 Help you with something? 需要帮忙吗? Yes, um, I'm from CNRI and we're investigating claims of racial bias in SCPD arrests. 是的,我是创新联合会的人,正在调查星城警署逮捕中的种族偏见问题。 So I'm going to need a
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第350期:查找黑箭的线索 Did you find anything? Lots. 发现什么了吗?很多东西。 Anything helpful? No, still looking. 有什么有用的吗?没有,还在找。 What about you? You learn anything from the cops? 你呢?从警察那儿打探到什么了吗 As a
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第351期:上演苦肉计 Please! Do not hurt my son. 求你了!不要伤害我儿子。 Tell me what the undertaking is and I won't have to. 告诉我那事业是怎么回事,我就不伤他。 No! Tell me! Please! Leave my son alone! 不!告诉我!求你了!放过我
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第352期:对梅林展开行动 Oh, my god. You said you were going to pull your punches! 天啊。你说你会注意力度的。 I did. Let me get you an ice pack for... everything. I'm fine. 我注意了。我给你拿个冰袋敷一下。我没事。 I need you to dig up everyth
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第353期:马尔科姆探望沃尔特 It truly is very kind of you to come all the way out here. 你实在太好了,大老远跑过来。 Walter? Who are you speaking to... 沃尔特?你在跟谁说话... Moira. How are you? Well. Thank you. 莫伊拉。你还好吗?很好。谢谢。
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第354期:警方开始调查梅林 Well, we discovered a few phone calls between one of the Unidac victims and someone at the Merlyn Global Group, 我们发现其中一个尤尼达克受害人与梅林环球集团某个人通过好几次电话, which is why I asked for someone at yo
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第355期:商讨行动方案 Anything? 有收获吗? Just for the record, I will pump my fist in the air and scream, Yes! if I get in. 我声明一下,如果我成功入侵,我会挥拳大喊一声耶。 You know, you can just say this isn't working. This isn't working. 你可
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第356期:携手闯入梅林总部 Hi. Oliver Queen. I have an 11:30 with Tommy Merlyn. 你好,我是奥利弗奎恩。我和汤米梅林约在11点半。 I have a super deluxe big belly buster for a Mr. Andrews. 一份超级豪华大肚子汉堡,安德鲁斯先生的。 I think h
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第357期:携手闯入梅林总部(2) Don't look down. 别往下看 Too late. I should mention, I'm afraid of heights, which I just learned. 说晚了。我应该早点说,我恐高,不过我也是刚知道的。 Hey, Felicity. Hold on to me tight. 费利西蒂。紧紧搂住我。 I
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第358期:与汤米见面 Sure beats the back of a bar. 这儿比酒吧后台可强多了。 I saw your name in my schedule, I thought it must be a typo. 我看到你的名字出现在我的日程表上,我还以为是打错字了。 Why so serious? Did someone decide that