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  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第18期:腰带被卡住 What, did you get your belt stuck? 怎么了 腰带卡住了吗 I did. Yeah. 是啊 卡住了 Take your coat off. Here, let me help you. 那把外套脱了呗 我帮你吧 - No, no, Dad. Dad, I'm fine. - Come on! -别别 老爸 我没事 -得了吧 W
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  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第2期:稚嫩的男人 Then I'm, like, There's no way I'm wearing that. 然后我就说我绝对不会穿的 - And she was, like. Well, if you don't wear it, -Like -她就说如果你不穿 -别老说就 then you can't play. 那就没得玩 - And then I was, like, That's f
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第3期:情深自拔 Hey, Cam. Cam, where did we get this dolly from? 小卡 这个娃娃从哪来的 From Janice and Olivia. 珍妮丝和奥利维亚给的 They brought it over yesterday. Lily loves it. 她们昨天拿过来的 莉莉很喜欢 Seems a little frilly, you
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第4期:与野兽共舞 His name was Ponce? He'd get made fun of at my school. 他叫庞塞 他在我们学校会被嘲笑的 They'd probably call him Pants. 他们可能会叫他瓶塞 Pants. 瓶塞 Or maybe, um, Fancy Ponce. 或者高级皮条客 That's a good one. 这个说
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第5期:害怕坐过山车 - Mom? - Hmm? -妈妈 -怎么了 I have a fever. 我发烧了 Ay, mi amor. Come here and I feel you. 宝贝 过来让我摸摸看 Ooh. I don't wanna get you sick. It could be fatal. 我不想传染给你 可能会致命的 Then by all means, stand ne
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第6期:结交朋友 But won't it be fun if we did it with ski goggles and barbecue tools? 但是用上滑雪护目镜和烧烤工具会更有趣吧 - I guess. - Yeah. -应该是的 -对 - Yeah. Let's do that. - All right. -就这么干 -好的 Can I just say that is a l
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第7期:刻薄的人 Jay, he won't admit it, 杰 他不承认 but I know that Manny's sad because he's missing the party. 但是我知道曼尼因为错过派对而伤心 Why don't we take him somewhere to take his mind off it, hmm? 我们带他出去散散心吧 I could
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第8期:尖叫了一下 Well, come on. I don't have all day. 快来 我待会还有事 I'm gonna throw up. 我要吐了 Okay, no. This is what you're gonna do. 不会的 你这样办 You're gonna get in that car, put on your seat belt... 你进到车里 系好安全带 and
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  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第10期:所爱之物都离去 - Did you just lose my truck? - No. -你把我的车弄丢了吗 -没有 - You just lost my truck! - No, I didn't! -你把我的车弄丢了 -我没有 That was my truck! Grandpa just gave it to me! 那是我的车 外公才送给我的 - I told you
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第11期:怪咖秀 You know, honey, I think I know why you don't wanna go tonight. 宝贝 我知道你今晚不想去的原因 - Because school dances are lame? - No. -因为学校舞会很没劲 -不 - 'Cause you don't know how to dance. - That's not it. -因为你不会
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第12期:亚洲气息 Pandas are from China. I- Well, it doesn't matter. 熊猫是中国的 而我...算了 Okay, okay. I think what my hysterical partner 好吧 我这位歇斯底里的伴侣 is just trying to say, if I may, 是想说 我就替你说了 that for the firs
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第13期:为什么讨厌我 - All right, left turn. - Here? -好了 左转 -在这里吗 - At the intersection, yeah. - Okay. -对 在十字路口 -好的 Left. 左转 - What? - I said left. You're going right. -什么 -我说左转 但是你右转了 Wait. No, wait. I'm trying
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第14期:不擅长说谎 Fine. Let's get it over with. 好吧 去克服恐惧吧 That's my boy. Vamos, Jay. 我的勇敢儿子 来吧 杰 No, I'm not going on that. That's bad for my back. 不 我才不去 对背不好 - Your back is fine. - I got an inner-ear thing. -你的背