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摩登家庭第六季 第255期:基佬们也关心政治

时间:2019-04-10 00:34来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 Man, those shorts really take the sting out of getting yelled at. 天呐,那条短裤真能让我忘了被骂的痛。

Oh, my God, that burger was so good, I feel like I just cheated on you. 我的天呐,那个汉堡太棒了,我感觉就像劈腿了似的。
Yeah, I heard the moaning. Are we terrible people? 我听见你的呻吟了。我们是坏人吗?
I don't think we are. Look, hear -- hear me out. 我觉得不是,听我说。
By eating those burgers, we denied them from the sort of narrow-minded homophobes that would come to a restaurant like this. 我们吃了那些汉堡就避免了让它们被那些可能来这家饭店的恐同者享受的可能性。
Okay, I don't totally follow, but I like where you ended up. 好吧,我没太懂,但我喜欢你的结论。
I-I'm just saying that we did the right thing by coming here, and I feel like -- oh, god, gays. 我意思就是我们来这里是正确的选择,天呐,基友。
We're here! We're queer! 我们在这!我们是基友!
We don't support corporations that contribute to Super PACs which don't support healthcare coverage1 for same-sex partners! 我们反对不支持同志享有伴侣医保的超级政治行动委员会捐款的企业!
Oh, right. Right. That's why we're boycotting2 this place. Right. 原来如此。原来是为这个进行抵制啊。原来如此。
We're here! We're queer! -How are we supposed to fall in without them noticing? 我们在这!我们是基友!-我们该怎么悄悄混进去?
Okay, it's just like double dutch. Just find the rhythm and jump in. Go, go. 就跟跳双摇大绳一样。找准节奏跳进去就行,快快。
Right now? - Yeah. 现在?-对。
We're here! We're queer! -We don't support corporations that contribute to Super PACs which don't support healthcare coverage for same-sex partners! 我们在这!我们是基友!-我们反对不支持同志享有伴侣医保的超级政治行动委员会捐款的企业!
We're here! We're queer! We don't support corporations that contribute to Super PACs which don't support... 我们在这!我们是基友!我们反对不支持同志享有伴侣医保的超级政治行动...
Hey, you came! 你们来了呢!
Well, well, well. What a surprise. 真是出人所料呢。
I don't know why this is a surprise. We're very political people. 有这什么好意外的。我们很关心政治。
Yes, there's not a week that goes by that we're not deeply entrenched3 in the issues that face our community. 对啊,我们每一天都在热切地关心着基佬社会面临的问题。
Deeply. Deeply. 热切,那是相当热切。
And this whole, um, Super PAC thing...- Super PAC.It's -- it is infuriating. 还有这个超级政治行动委员会... -委员会。真是太让人气愤了。
Mr. Pritchett, you forgot your cellphone inside. 普里契特先生,您把手机落下了。
Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢,谢谢。
See, uh, before you guys got here, we went in there, and we demanded a refund4 for our gift cards. 你们来之前我们走进这家餐厅让他们退礼物卡的钱。
Yes, we went into the belly5 of the beast. - So...yes, we did. 我们深入虎穴。-没错。
Sir, you forgot your food to go. - Thank you. 先生,您忘带打包的菜了。-谢谢。
And fed your bellies6. - How could you? 深入虎穴吃饭吗。-不要脸。


1 coverage nvwz7v     
  • There's little coverage of foreign news in the newspaper.报纸上几乎没有国外新闻报道。
  • This is an insurance policy with extensive coverage.这是一项承保范围广泛的保险。
2 boycotting 57a67b98478553c5793be6a3cf8759e5     
抵制,拒绝参加( boycott的现在分词 )
  • They're boycotting the shop because the people there are on strike. 他们抵制那家商店,因为那里的店员在罢工。
  • The main opposition parties are boycotting the elections. 主要反对党都抵制此次选举。
3 entrenched MtGzk8     
  • Television seems to be firmly entrenched as the number one medium for national advertising.电视看来要在全国广告媒介中牢固地占据头等位置。
  • If the enemy dares to attack us in these entrenched positions,we will make short work of them.如果敌人胆敢进攻我们固守的阵地,我们就消灭他们。
4 refund WkvzPB     
  • They demand a refund on unsatisfactory goods.他们对不满意的货品要求退款。
  • We'll refund your money if you aren't satisfied.你若不满意,我们愿意退款给你。
5 belly QyKzLi     
  • The boss has a large belly.老板大腹便便。
  • His eyes are bigger than his belly.他眼馋肚饱。
6 bellies 573b19215ed083b0e01ff1a54e4199b2     
n.肚子( belly的名词复数 );腹部;(物体的)圆形或凸起部份;腹部…形的
  • They crawled along on their bellies. 他们匍匐前进。
  • starving children with huge distended bellies 鼓着浮肿肚子的挨饿儿童
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