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  • 美国语文第四册 第1期:坚持不懈(1) Will you give my kite a lift? said my little nephew to his sister, after trying in vain to make it fly by dragging it along the ground. 能不能给我的风筝助个力?我的小侄子对他妹妹说。之前他在地上拖着风筝,试着让它飞
  • 美国语文第四册 第2期:坚持不懈(2) I won't try any more, replied he, rather sullenly. It is of no use, you see. 我不想再试了,他回答道,你看到了,这根本没用。 The kite won't fly, and I don't want to be plagued with it any longer. 风筝飞不起来,我可再也不
  • 美国语文第四册 第3期:试一次,再试一次 I won't try any more, replied he, rather sullenly. It is of no use, you see. 我不想再试了,他回答道,你看到了,这根本没用。 The kite won't fly, and I don't want to be plagued with it any longer. 风筝飞不起来,我可再也不
  • 美国语文第四册 第4期:海水为什么是咸的(1) There were, in very ancient times, two brothers, one of whom was rich, and the other poor. 很久很久以前,有两个兄弟,其中一个很富有,另外一个很贫穷。 Christmas was approaching, but the poor man had nothing in the house fo
  • 美国语文第四册 第5期:海水为什么是咸的(2) At this, the dwarfs held up their little old hands, and looked quite perplexed. 矮人们看起来对他的这一举动感到非常困惑不解,纷纷举起他们饱经沧桑的小手。 We can not make a bargain, it seems, said the poor man, so I'
  • 美国语文第四册 第6期:海水为什么是咸的(3) When the people went by the house to church, the next day, they could hardly believe their eyes. 第二天,当人们去教堂路过他家时,他们简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 There was glass in the windows instead of a wooden shutter, 他家
  • 美国语文第四册 第7期:海水为什么是咸的(4) At length, a great foreign merchant came, and when he had seen the mill, inquired whether it would grind salt. 终于有一天,一位外国富商来到这里。当他看到磨粉机时,询问它是否能够用来出盐。 Being told that it would
  • 美国语文第四册 第8期:爆米花 One autumn night, when the wind was high, And the rain fell in heavy plashes, 八月夜晚,狂风不断,雨滴哗啦啦敲打地面, A little boy sat by the kitchen fire, A-popping corn in the ashes; 小男孩坐在厨房的火炉旁,炉灰里在
  • 美国语文第四册 第9期:微笑(1) Poor lame Jennie sat at her window, looking out upon the dismal, narrow street, with a look of pain and weariness on her face. 可怜的跛脚珍妮坐在窗前,望着外面阴沉、狭窄的街道,脸上写满了痛苦和倦意。 Oh, dear, she
  • 美国语文第四册 第10期:微笑(2) He stopped in front of her window, and, smiling very pleasantly, said, How shall I find the way to your room? 他在她的窗前停了下来,非常友善地微笑着说:我怎样才能找到通往你房间的路? Jennie pointed to an alley near by,
  • 美国语文第四册 第11期:微笑(3) Oh, no, it isn't, said Jennie, pleasantly; mamma says maybe we should forget the Lord if we had everything we wanted, and He never forgets us, you know. 哦,不,不是的,珍妮说,令人愉快的;妈妈说,也许我们应该如果我们拥
  • 美国语文第四册 第12期:懒人奈德 IT is royal fun, cried lazy Ned, 这个非常有意思,懒人奈德大叫道, To coast upon my fine, new sled, 乘坐我全新的高级雪橇去滑冰, And beat the other boys; 把其他男生都比下去; But then, I can not bear to climb, 但
  • 美国语文第四册 第13期:猴子(1) The monkey is a very cunning little animal, and is found in many parts of the world. 猴子是一种非常灵巧的小动物,人们在世界上很多地方都发现了它们的踪影。 A lady once had a monkey, which had been brought to her as a p
  • 美国语文第四册 第14期:猴子(2) The sticks and other missiles said to be thrown at travelers as they pass under the branches of trees, are usually the dead branches, etc., 当游客们经过树下,那些所谓向他们扔下来的棍子和投掷物通常都是些枯树枝之类的东
  • 美国语文第四册 第15期:爱捣乱的玛蒂(1) Oh, how one ugly trick has spoiled the sweetest and the best! 哦,一个丑陋的把戏是如何毁掉了最甜美、最好的一切啊! Matilda, though a pleasant child, 虽说玛蒂达是个讨人喜欢的孩子, One grievous fault possessed,