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英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第57期:第五章 血型(10)

时间:2018-06-19 06:45来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 "Put a small drop of blood on each of the prongs." “在四齿涂敷器的四个齿上各沾一小滴血。”

He demonstrated, squeezing Mike's finger till the blood flowed. 他还在示范着,挤压着迈克的手指直到血流出来为止。
I swallowed convulsively, my stomach heaving. 我全身痉挛地吞咽着,胃里一阵沉重。
"And then apply it to the card," he finished, holding up the dripping red card for us to see. “然后把涂敷器抹到卡片上。”他完成了,把那张四角都染红了的卡片举起来给我们看。
I closed my eyes, trying to hear through the ringing in my ears. 我闭上眼睛,试图无视耳中的嗡嗡声,继续听课。
"The Red Cross is having a blood drive in Port Angeles next weekend, so I thought you should all know your blood type." “下个周末红十字会有一辆义务献血车会开到天使港去,所以我觉得有必要让你们都知道一下自己的血型。”
He sounded proud of himself. 他听起来很自豪。
"Those of you who aren't eighteen yet will need a parent's permission—I have slips at my desk." “你们中未满十八岁的人需要有家长的书面同意——相关表格在我的桌子上。”
He continued through the room with his water drops. 他拿着滴管,继续在教室里走来走去。
I put my cheek against the cool black tabletop and tried to hold on to my consciousness. 我把脸贴在凉凉的黑色桌板上,试图让自己保持神志清醒。
All around me I could hear squeals1, complaints, and giggles2 as my classmates skewered3 their fingers. 在我的周围,我的同学们开始扎自己的手指,我听到了一阵阵的尖叫声,抱怨声和傻笑声。
I breathed slowly in and out through my mouth. 我开始用嘴呼吸,艰难地吸气,呼气。
"Bella, are you all right?" Mr. Banner asked. His voice was close to my head, and it sounded alarmed. “贝拉,你还好吧?”班纳老师问道。他的声音离我的头很近,听起来有些惊慌失措。
"I already know my blood type, Mr. Banner," I said in a weak voice. I was afraid to raise my head. “我已经知道自己的血型了,班纳老师。”我虚弱地说道。我实在不敢抬起头。
"Are you feeling faint?" “你是不是觉得头晕?”
"Yes, sir," I muttered, internally kicking myself for not ditching when I had the chance. “是的,先生。”我含糊地说着,在心里踢了自己一脚,以免自己一有机会就放松警惕,任由自己坠入昏迷中。
"Can someone take Bella to the nurse, please?" he called. “有谁能带贝拉去医务室吗?”他喊道。
I didn't have to look up to know that it would be Mike who volunteered. 我不必抬头也能知道,那个自告奋勇的家伙一定是迈克。


1 squeals 4754a49a0816ef203d1dddc615bc7983     
n.长而尖锐的叫声( squeal的名词复数 )v.长声尖叫,用长而尖锐的声音说( squeal的第三人称单数 )
  • There was an outburst of squeals from the cage. 铁笼子里传来一阵吱吱的叫声。 来自英汉文学
  • There were squeals of excitement from the children. 孩子们兴奋得大声尖叫。 来自辞典例句
2 giggles 0aa08b5c91758a166d13e7cd3f455951     
n.咯咯的笑( giggle的名词复数 );傻笑;玩笑;the giggles 止不住的格格笑v.咯咯地笑( giggle的第三人称单数 )
  • Her nervous giggles annoyed me. 她神经质的傻笑把我惹火了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I had to rush to the loo to avoid an attack of hysterical giggles. 我不得不冲向卫生间,以免遭到别人的疯狂嘲笑。 来自辞典例句
3 skewered d137866bfd4e5979e32a18ac897f6079     
v.(用串肉扦或类似物)串起,刺穿( skewer的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He skewered his victim through the neck. 他用扦子刺穿了受害人的脖子。 来自辞典例句
  • He skewered his foot on a nail. 他的脚踩在钉子上了。 来自互联网
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