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  • 迷你对话学地道口语第618期:洗心革面重新做人 Subject:Clean up your act. 迷你对话 A: Shirley, I am promoted to be the deputy editor-in-chief. Shirley, 我被提升为副主编了。 B: Congratulations. Clean up your act. 祝贺你,好好表现吧。 地道表达 clean up ones act 1. 解词
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第619期:补偿,报答 Subject:I will make it up to you. 迷你对话 A: You have spent so much repairing your computer I broke. I am so sorry I will make it up to you. 你花了那么多的时间修理我的那台坏电脑。太抱歉了,我一定会补偿你的。 B:
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第620期:顺其自然 Subject:Let a thing slide. 迷你对话 A: Jane, I have worked so hard these days but I cannot get a raise or promotion. How frustrating! Jane,我最近努力工作这么久,既没有加薪又没有升职,我真是好沮丧呀! B: Let a thi
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第621期:巴结,拍马屁 Subject:He always kisses up to his boss. 迷你对话 A: Benjamin, I heard that the laziest guy in our company has been promoted. Ridiculous! Benjamin, 我听说公司最懒的那个家伙升职了,真是荒谬。 B: Forget it! He always kisses u
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第622期:逆来顺受,从容面对困境 Subject:You have to roll with the punches if you wan to survive in this business. 迷你对话 A: Terry, I could hardly bear the prejudice of my boss on me. Terry,我几乎不能忍受老板对我的偏见了。 B: You know. But you have to roll
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第623期:出类拔萃 Subject:You had better get on the ball. 迷你对话 A: I dont know why I have no passion for working. 我不知道为什么对工作毫无激情。 B: If you hope to keep your job, you had better get on the ball. 如果你想要继续保持拥有你
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第624期:抗拒制度 Subject:You cannot buck the system. 迷你对话 A: My assistant was promoted only because he came to this company three years earlier. 我的助理升职了,就是因为他比我早来这个公司三年。 B: You cannot buck the system. 你无法抗
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第625期:黄道吉日 Subject:This is a red-letter day for you. 迷你对话 A: Im so excited that I was raised to management level in todays conference. 我太激动了,今天的会以上我被提拔到管理层了。 B: This is a red-letter day for you. Congratulati
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第626期:牵线 Subject:I can hook you up. 迷你对话 A: I lost my job. I have been seeking for another one for a long time. 我失业了。我找工作找了很长一段时间。 B: Our company is looking for people. I can hook you up. 我们公司正在招人,
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第627期:谁把握机遇就能心想事成 Subject:He who seize the right moment is the right man. 迷你对话 A: I failed to get the offer again, because I was so nervous that I couldnt express myself. 我面试没有通过,因为我紧张不能用正确的语言表达自己的观点。
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第628期:欲达目的,必付代价 Subject:You cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs. 迷你对话 A: You have never tried your best in your work! How can you make progress. 你在工作上从来没有尽力,你怎么可能取得进步呢? B: You have said the saying to me
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第629期:多如牛毛不稀罕 Subject:Bad managers are a dime a dozen. 迷你对话 A: This morning my boss blamed me again, but I did not do anything wrong. 今天早上老板又批评了我们,但是我没有做错事情呀。 B: Bad managers are a dime a dozen, but a good
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第630期:律师考试 Subject:Have you passed the bar exam? 迷你对话 A: I want to work as a lawyer in your company. Do you think I am qualified? 我想在你的公司当律师,你看我合格吗? B: Have you ever passed the bar exam. 你通过律师资格考试了
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第631期:过得很艰难 Subject:I have had a hard time for many years. 迷你对话 A: I heard you were promoted today. 我听说你晋升了。 B: Yeah! What Ive done in the past years is worthwhile. I have had a hard time for a long time. 是的,过去我所付出的一
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第632期:祝你好运 Subject:Go break a leg! 迷你对话 A: I have to give my boss a business presentation in about an hour. I feel really stressed. 再有差不多一个小时我就得给我的老板做演示报告了,好紧张啊! B: You will be fine. Go break a