密歇根新闻广播 密歇根第一个合作社式啤酒厂落户大急流城
Michigan's booming brewery industry just added a fresh, new ingredient to the growing business of beer making: a cooperative model. Jim Jones is a board member and director of High Five Cooperative Brewery in Grand Rapids. He joined Stateside to talk
密歇根新闻广播 奶嘴真得是宝宝专用吗?
Pacifier, binkie, dummy; we have lots of words for that funny little gizmo babies suck on when they're teething. In the U.S., we use pacifier the most frequently, and while it might seem like the least funny of the set, the way we use it is kind of i
密歇根新闻广播 研究显示疯狂追剧对你的身心没好处
There's little doubt that Americans are very attached to their TV screens. The government has even declared TV-watching to be one of the most common leisure activities. And now, thanks to on-demand streaming, there's little to stop us from indulging
密歇根新闻广播 黑人政治力量增长但前景仍渺茫
America struggles with race and those struggles are intensifying. As the white majority has been shrinking, racial tensions have been rising. You can see it in anti-immigration movements. It's in the feeling among some white people that they're being
密歇根新闻广播 密歇根“ACLU”发行体戴式照相机政策范本
As more of the nation's attention is focused on police shootings, more police departments are putting body-worn cameras on their officers. The idea is to improve relations and trust between police and the community. But bodycams raise some sticky que
密歇根新闻广播 弗林特生活用水事件的受害家庭该纳入医疗报销吗?
Flint residents are getting some relief when it comes to their water bills. But what about their medical bills? It's a question some Flint families are asking. Medical bills are adding up for Keri Webber. I met her over the weekend, volunteering at a
密歇根新闻广播 密歇根前首席检察官不喜欢免民选官员
It's Sunshine Week, when Americans celebrate access to public information (and highlight instances where there isn't enough transparency). The Freedom of Information Act became law in Michigan in 1976. But it came with a big loophole:, exempting the
密歇根新闻广播 荷兰加热的人行道
Imagine, in the wake of a big snowstorm, city sidewalks and streets that never get caked with snow and ice. No salt, no slopping your way through slush or gingerly walking on ice. That's a luxury people in Holland, MI have been enjoying for some time
密歇根新闻广播 底特律诗人新书关注非裔美国人传统
Poetry can have a way of pushing you out of your comfort zone and into a place that challenges your perceptions and makes you question your beliefs. The Dozen is a new book of poems released by Sibling Rivalry Press. The poems in these pages will rea
密歇根新闻广播 州前健康主席参加弗林特水危机工作小组报告会
This week the Flint Water Advisory Task Force released its 116-page report. Although Gov. Snyder appointed the task force, he and his administration were not spared in its frank findings. At the formal release of the task force report, co-chair Chris
密歇根新闻广播 密歇根州立大学和"偏见克星"一起打破陈规
How do we break down stereotypes about each other? That question has driven a Michigan State University journalism class to create a series of guides to help disassemble the myths and stereotypes about different groups in our country. Bias Busters: G
密歇根新闻广播 北美蝙蝠因白鼻综合症数量下降
White-nose syndrome is a deadly disease caused by a fungus. It's killing bats in 27 states including Michigan, and five Canadian provinces. It was first discovered in North America around a decade ago. Researchers think it came over from Europe, poss
密歇根新闻广播 美罗亚尔岛国家公园的狼只剩两只
The National Park Service is taking a closer look at whether or not to bring more grey wolves to Isle Royale National Park. Only two wolves remain on the island now. To help make its decision, the park service wants to hear from you. It's accepting p
密歇根新闻广播 密歇根坑坑洼洼的马路问题何时解决
Late Saturday afternoon I was in Lansing, driving to an awards ceremony at the state Library of Michigan, when I started hitting a whole bunch of potholes near the Capitol. Don't the legislators drive on these roads? my sweetheart asked. My flip answ
密歇根新闻广播 专家表示密歇根关于艾滋病毒公开的法律不妥当
A recent legal case in Cass County is raising questions about HIV disclosure laws in Michigan. Trevor Hoppe is a sociologist who specializes in sexuality, HIV and the law. His research studies are titled Punishing Disease and he is co-editor of The W
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