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  • 欧美名人演讲 第61期:同性恋与道德的关系(8) Even that would not be an argument against homosexuality. 即使在这种情况下,这都不会成为反对同性恋的合理论证。 At best, it would be an argument against exclusive homosexuality. 它顶多可以用来反对那种对异性恋绝对
  • 欧美名人演讲 第62期:同性恋与道德的关系(9) Now, for many of these claims, we don't have to settle the statistical arguments in order to address the arguments. 对于很多这种无端的指责,其实并非每个都需要我们通过统计研究的方法加以辩驳。 Part of the reason for
  • 欧美名人演讲 第63期:第88届奥斯卡影帝莱昂纳多的获奖感言 And the Oscar goes to...Leonardo DiCaprio. 最佳男主角奖得主是......Leonardo DiCaprio。 This is the first Oscar at six nomination for Leonardo DiCaprio. 这是Leonardo DiCaprio在获得六次奥斯卡提名后第一次得奖。 Thank you. Th
  • 欧美名人演讲 第64期:同性恋与道德的关系(10) Now, in the early days of my lecture, when I used to talk about risk, that is all I would say. 在我早先的演讲中,当我谈到风险的时候,我就只讲上面这些就够了。 But people would sometimes try to ask me a question during th
  • 欧美名人演讲 第65期:同性恋与道德的关系(11) People always laugh when I say Strom Thurmond. You remember Strom Thurmond. Strom Thurmond was the senator from South Carolina. 我一提到斯特罗姆舍尔蒙德这名字观众们就开始笑,你们还记得斯特罗姆这人吧?斯特罗姆舍尔
  • 欧美名人演讲 第66期:同性恋与道德的关系(12) I must admit I find some of these bizarre. 这种说法让人不寒而栗。 How does what I do in bed threaten the nation's infrastructure? 我们在床上的事情,如何能动摇国家的基础呢? I might think I'm powerful in bed, but whoa,
  • 欧美名人演讲 第67期:同性恋与道德的关系(13) In fact, I want to take this a step further. 事实上,我进一步想说。 I want to say not only does this argument scapegoat gay people and make that sort of mistake, it actually is a greater threat to the family than what it's trying to fight.
  • 欧美名人演讲 第68期:同性恋与道德的关系(14) Since when did animals start providing us with our moral standards, particularly in the area of sex? 从什么时候开始,我们的道德标准是由动物来提供的?特别是性的道德这个领域。 I mean, think about this. ok. 我们想想
  • 欧美名人演讲 第69期:同性恋与道德的关系(15) What do they mean when they say that it's a choice? 当这些人说同性恋是个选择的时候,他们想表达什么? This is one of those places where the orientation-activity distinction actually comes in handy. 在这种情况下,性取向和
  • 欧美名人演讲 第70期:同性恋与道德的关系(16) Now, there are a number of problems with this argument. 这种论调的漏洞很多。 A lot of our organs have multiple purposes. 我们的很多器官都是多功能的。 I can use my mouth for talking, for singing, for breathing, for licking stam
  • 欧美名人演讲 第71期:同性恋与道德的关系(17) No, because Diet Coke contains caffeine. 不,你喝它是因为健怡可乐里含有咖啡因。 Caffeine actually functions as a diuretic; it removes fluid from your body. 而咖啡因实际上是一种利尿剂,它的作用反而是让液体流出
  • 欧美名人演讲 第72期:同性恋与道德的关系(18) You know, we are often uncomfortable in the face of things that are unfamiliar, 要知道,我们常常在面对自己不熟悉的事物时,感到不自在、不舒服。 and that's especially true when we're talking about sex. 而当我们在讨论
  • 欧美名人演讲 第73期:同性恋与道德的关系(19) It's important because it puts a face on the issue. 它之所以重要,是因为它让你直面问题所在。 Now, a lot of people at this point will say to me, You had me part of the way, but now here you go being all open about it now, and that'
  • 欧美名人演讲 第74期:同性恋与道德的关系(20) In the simple act of saying his partner, Mark, not his friend, or not his roommate. 她的话非常简单:他的爱人马克,她没有说他的朋友或者他的室友。 I mean you could hear the quote marks around the words. This is John's room
  • 欧美名人演讲 第75期:同性恋与道德的关系(21) So much of what I've said tonight is based upon my moral convictions, convictions about fairness, convictions about justice. 今晚我在这里探讨了这么多,全部基于我个人的道德信念,我对公平的信念,我对公正的信念。