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  • 时差N小时 如何利用X射线检测米勒作品?(上)

    In the 1840s, a new painting by Jean Francois Millet was unveiled in Paris. 19世纪40年代,米勒的一幅新作在巴黎展出。 But, horror of horrors, no one seemed to like it! 但可怕的是,似乎没人喜欢这幅作品! Some critics...

  • 时差N小时 如何利用X射线检测米勒作品?(下)

    The artistor even another paintermay have painted over original layers of paint for many reasons. 艺术家或另一位画家可能在原画中继续作画的原因有很多, Perhaps an arm didnt look quite right, or an entire figure was painted ov...

  • 时差N小时 蜜蜂的年龄与分工(上)

    Bees take on different jobs in a bee hive according to their age. 蜜蜂的年龄不同,在蜂群中的分工也不同。 Many become food scouts when older, but not all scouts are the same. 随着年龄增长,很多蜜蜂会成为食物侦察兵,但...

  • 时差N小时 蜜蜂的年龄与分工(下)

    Nest scouts, who search for new hive locations, were three times more likely to be nectar scouts when older. 寻找新蜂巢的筑巢蜂在年老时有三倍的可能性会成为寻蜜蜂。 To determine if there are differences between scouts and no...

  • 时差N小时 熊为何在夏季觅食?(上)

    In the movie The Jungle Book, Balloo the bear spends his days singing and dancing and munching paw-paws. 在电影《奇幻森林》中,棕熊巴鲁整天的生活就是唱歌、跳舞和咀嚼番木瓜。 Actually, this is a pretty accurate pictur...

  • 时差N小时 熊为何在夏季觅食?(下)

    Although bears mate in the spring, the fertilized eggs don't begin to develop until the females return to the den for the winter. 虽然熊在春天交配,但是受精卵直到冬天雌熊返回洞穴才开始发育。 The females must have stored...

  • 时差N小时 为何挡风玻璃如此结实?(上)

    We tend to think of glass as fragilebut in fact, glass is pretty strong stuff. 我们往往认为玻璃是易碎的,而事实上,玻璃十分坚固。 A flawless fiber of glass pulled lengthwise is five times stronger than steel! 将一根完整的...

  • 时差N小时 为何挡风玻璃如此结实?(下)

    Tempered glass shatters into tiny bits, rather than large, jagged shards like regular glass. 破碎后的钢化玻璃为细小的碎块,而普通玻璃破碎后为巨大、锋利的碎片。 If you've seen little squares of a car windshield scatter...

  • 时差N小时 你知道植物也有夜生活吗?(上)

    Most plants grow buds, flower, or lie dormant at specific times of year. 大多数植物都在每年特定时间里发芽,开花,或者冬眠。 What triggers these seasonal changes? 什么原因导致植物的季节性变化? Temperature and r...

  • 时差N小时 你知道植物也有夜生活吗?(下)

    Midway through the day, the biologists exposed the plants to a brief period of complete darkness. 生物学家在白天期间让植物暂时陷入完全的黑暗。 What effect did this have on flowering? Absolutely none. 这会对植物开花有什么...

  • 时差N小时 为什么蜂蜜不会变质?(上)

    If you havent cleaned out your refrigerator in a while, there might be a nasty surprise waiting for you. 如果你有段时间没有清理过冰箱,那么里面的脏乱定会让你大吃一惊。 There, in a forgotten piece of Tupperware, lurks th...

  • 时差N小时 为什么蜂蜜不会变质?(下)

    Most food ferments when bacteria living in it eat sugars and nutrients in the food. 大部分食物发酵是因为细菌消耗掉了食物的糖分和其它营养。 The bacteria subsequently produce waste in the form of acids and other chemicals tha...

  • 时差N小时 埃及艳后为什么化浓妆?(上)

    Over five thousand years ago, the ancient Egyptians used eye shadow, not only for cosmetic but practical purposes as well. 5000多年以前,古埃及人画眼影不仅是为了美观,其实也有实际用途。 Dark pigment painted around the eye...

  • 时差N小时 埃及艳后为什么化浓妆?(下)

    She darkened her eyebrows and lengthened her eyelashes with black kohl, a mixture of powdered lead sulfide and animal fat. 她也会描眉,还用黑色的眼圈粉拉长睫毛。这种眼圈粉是由粉状的硫化铅和动物油脂混合而成。...

  • 时差N小时 宇航员如何在太空中上厕所?(上)

    It may sound silly, but its really a good question, because weightlessness does make a visit to the latrine a tricky proposition. 这个问题听起来可能有些可笑,但这的确是个现实的问题,失重导致上厕所成为棘手难题。...
