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相关教程: 英语圣经 英文阅读







  • 少儿圣经故事:以利沙(3)/Elisha Lesson(3) ??Introduction:That's the prophet Elisha, someone might have pointed out, as they watched the prophet walking down the dusty roads. Elisha's work for the Lord required that he spend many hours traveling from city to city. ??Body:One day as Eli
  • 少儿圣经故事:以利沙(4)/Elisha Lesson(4) ??Introduction:Yes, Captain Naaman! No, Captain Naaman! Right away, Captain! All the servants would have scurried here and there when Captain Naaman came home from a battle. You see, he was the captain over the entire army of the king of Syria. L
  • 少儿圣经故事:以利沙(5)/Elisha Lesson(5) ??Intro:It was an excited and happy Captain Naaman that headed home to Syria in our lesson today! He had left Syria a disfigured and dying man, with only one hope:that the prophet of God in Israel could cure him of the dreadful disease of lepros
  • 少儿圣经故事:以利沙(6)/Elisha Lesson(6) ??Introduction:What's that noise? one soldier might have asked in alarm, as he flung open his tent door. All the other soldiers must've heard it too, for suddenly the whole camp was alive with soldiers peering into the dark and listening. They h
  • 少儿圣经故事:但以理(一)/Daniel Lesson 1 ??Introduction: ??Servants! Servants! A very nervous king was calling out, perhaps in the middle of the night. King Nebuchadnezzar had just waked from a very perplexing dream. It troubled him so much he couldn't go back to sleep. ??Call all m
  • 少儿圣经故事:但以理(二)/Daniel Lesson 2 ??Intro:Look over there! Thousands of important looking men just standing out there in that big open field. What is going on?And look at that man standing tall and proud in his royal robe and shining gold crown! That must be Nebuchadnezzar himse
  • 少儿圣经故事:但以理(三)/Daniel Lesson 3 ??Introduction: ??Not again! the servants might have cried, as they scrambled to knock on doors throughout the palace realm. Your majesty, King Nebuchadnezzar, has ordered all the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers to come at on
  • 少儿圣经故事:但以理(四)/Daniel Lesson 4 ??Introduction:Do you like to go to parties?Maybe you like birthday parties best, or Christmas or New Year's parties. Well, today won't you join me for a different kind of party right in the palace of the king of Babylon! ??Can you imagine tha
  • 少儿圣经故事:但以理(五)/Daniel Lesson 5 ??Introduction:King Darius was busy setting up his new kingdom. He had chosen 120 men to be princes in his kingdom. They must have been feeling pretty important to be chosen as leaders in the most powerful kingdom in the world. Over the 120 princ
  • 少儿圣经故事:引子/In the Beginning 1 ??Introduction:Do you like to make things like paper airplanes, or maybe paper dolls?What do you need to make those things?Probably all you need is scissors, paper, and maybe some tape or glue. But what if you had nothing at all, no paper, no s
  • 少儿圣经故事:伊甸园 /In the Beginning 2 ??Introduction:Do you ever feel sad as you think about all the trouble in the world?It seems every day we hear bad news of war, earthquakes, disease, or other disasters. Many times people ask Why did God let this happen? ??In our last lesson
  • 少儿圣经故事:该隐与亚伯/In the Beginning 3 ??What came first, the chicken or the egg? Has anyone ever asked you that question?If you remember our Bible lesson from last time, you can answer that question without even thinking! Of course the chicken came first! God made the creature first
  • 少儿圣经故事:以诺/In the Beginning 4 ??Introduction:Have you ever attended the funeral of someone you love?Can you think of anything more sad than having to face the death of a loved one?Perhaps you have asked, Why do people have to die? ??Adam and Eve, the first two people God
  • 少儿圣经故事:大洪水/In the Beginning 5 ??Introduction:Here is a riddle for you:I am a word that you may see on roadways or medicine bottles, and even on some of your toys! What am I? Did you guess the word WARNING!?Why do we need WARNING signs?We need to know of possible danger, d
  • 少儿圣经故事:彩虹/In the Beginning 6 ??Introduction:Have you seen a rainbow in the sky lately?Do you remember why God put the rainbow there?It is to remind us of His promise that there will never be another worldwide flood. ??Noah and his family were the only people left alive a