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相关教程: 英语圣经 英文阅读







  • 少儿圣经故事:人的价值/Life is valuable ??Dillon the Dog:Hey, Randy Rabbit, what song is that You're humming? ??Randy the Rabbit:Anything you can do, I can do better! ??Dog:Wait a minute, now! You're really bragging on yourself! Let's hear you howl ??like this:AhOOOO! ??Rab
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  • 少儿圣经故事:富有的少年官/The Rich Young Man ??Intro:What is the most important thing in life to you?To many people it is having lots of money. To some girls, it is being the most famous, or most beautiful. To some young men it is being the best in sports or having the best education. In o
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  • 少儿圣经故事:以利亚(2)/Elijah (2) ??Intro:Bobby was facing a tough decision! At 7:00 p.m. on Friday there were 3 important events, and he didn't want to miss any of them! There was his team's soccer game, his church was having a special mission rally for the children, and a movi
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  • 少儿圣经故事:以利亚(5)/Elijah 5 ??Intro:What do you want to be when you grow up?Maybe some of you girls said, I want to be a teacher. Or maybe you said, a doctor. And boys, I'm sure some of you said, an engineer or astronaut. ??Do you think God cares what you want to do when
  • 少儿圣经故事:以利亚 (6)/Elijah (6) ??Introduction:Who is the Lord Jesus' Maybe you have heard what others have said about Him, but what do YOU really think about Jesus'Body:Even after following the Lord Jesus closely for three years, still some of His disciples weren't sure about
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