First they came to a great hall in which were many ladies and gentlemen of the court, all dressed in rich costumes. 最初,她们跑到一个大厅里,在那里有许多朝廷上的贵妇和绅士,完全穿戴着富丽的服装。
These people had nothing to do but talk to each other, but they always came to wait outside the Throne Room every morning, although they were never permitted to see Oz. 这些人没有事情做,彼此只是在闲谈,虽然他们从来没有被允许进去见一见奥芝,但是每天早晨,总是跑来在王宫外面侍候。
As Dorothy entered they looked at her curiously1, and one of them whispered: 当多萝茜跑进去了,他们好奇地注视她,其中有个低声问道:
"Are you really going to look upon the face of Oz the Terrible?" “你可是真正想抬着头去看看那可怕的奥芝的脸吗?”
"Of course," answered the girl, "if he will see me." 小女孩子回答说:“倘使他愿意会见我,当然要抬起头来看看他。”
"Oh, he will see you," said the soldier who had taken her message to the Wizard, "although he does not like to have people ask to see him. “唔,他会愿意见你,”那个把她的意思传达给魔术家的兵士说,“虽然他不喜欢有人去请求见他。
Indeed, at first he was angry and said I should send you back where you came from. 真的,起初他是愤怒的,并且说要把你从来的地方送回去。
Then he asked me what you looked like, and when I mentioned your silver shoes he was very much interested. 后来他问我你像个什么样子,当我说到你的银鞋子时,他觉得十分有趣。
At last I told him about the mark upon your forehead, and he decided2 he would admit you to his presence." 最后,我把你额角上的记号也告评了他,他就决定允许你到他的面前去。”
Just then a bell rang, and the green girl said to Dorothy, "That is the signal. You must go into the Throne Room alone." 正在这时候,一声铃响了,绿女郎对多萝茜说:“这是信号。你必须独个儿走进王宫里去。”
She opened a little door and Dorothy walked boldly through and found herself in a wonderful place. 女郎打开一个小门,多萝茜大胆地走进去,发觉自己到了一个神秘的地方。
It was a big, round room with a high arched roof, and the walls and ceiling and floor were covered with large emeralds set closely together. 一个广大的圆屋子,盖着高拱形的房顶,四周的墙壁、天花板和地板,都是用大翡翠紧密地接连着的。
In the center of the roof was a great light, as bright as the sun, which made the emeralds sparkle in a wonderful manner. 在屋顶的中央是一盏很大的灯,亮得像太阳,也是用翡翠做的,在异样的光景中闪亮着。

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adv.有求知欲地;好问地;奇特地 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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