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相关教程: 双语有声阅读
  • 【双语有声阅读】一切刚开始We're Just Beginning

    往昔已逝,静如止水;我们无法再作改变。而前方的未来正生机勃勃;我们所做的每一件事都将会影响着它。 We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite... I do not know w...

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    有时需要独处 人们才能发现真实的自我 有时需要醒悟 人们才能明智 Sometimes it takes adverse conditions for people to reach out to one another Sometimes it takes bad luck for people to understand their goals better Sometimes...

  • 【双语有声阅读】利用好你的错误

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  • 【双语有声阅读】自如射箭的心境

    觉察到这位挑战者的窘境,禅师说道:你拥有高超的弓箭术,但你缺乏自如射箭的心境。 After winning several archery contests,the young and rather boastful champion challenged a Zen master who was renowned for his skill...

  • 【双语有声阅读】站在进步的起跑点

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  • 【双语有声阅读】在工作中学会成长

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  • 【双语有声阅读】人生的回音The Echo


  • 【双语有声阅读】变化之道On Changes

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  • 【双语有声阅读】行动起来改善生活

    仅仅抱有乐观的态度是不够的,而是要尽力做到最好。换句话说,不要只是站(坐)在那儿,要行动起来改善你的生活! Many people think that they have to accept whatever life throws at them. They'll say, This...

  • 【双语有声阅读】信心成就一切

    信心成就一切,当你真正自信时,它就像灿烂的阳光一样从你身上散发出来,就像磁铁一样将成功吸引到你身上。 Nothing succeeds lacks confidence.When you are truly confident,it radiates from you like sunlight,a...

  • 【双语有声阅读】享受今天的快乐

    我要用我的笑容感染别人,虽然我的目的自私,但这确是成功之道,因为皱起的眉头会让顾客弃我而去。我不是为将来而活。今天播种今天收获。 No living creature can laugh except man. Trees may bleed...

  • 【双语有声阅读】真正的自我The Real Self

    我们都承认在我们曰常活动中那么忙碌的自我,并不完全是真正的自我;我们相信我们在生活的追求中已经失掉了一些东西。 The only problem unconsciously assumed by all Chinese philosophers to be of any impo...

  • 【双语有声阅读】Silence沉默

    沉默本身也是一种思想和心境的流露,是灵魂的另一种形式的回声。 Indeed, for a living being there is no such thing as true silence, for silence itself is a revelation of the mind and the heart, an echo of the soul of a diffe...

  • 【双语有声阅读】忧郁的日子The Blue Days

    那些日子真是惨透了,你觉得心里乱糟糟的、怨气丛生、寂寞、整个人彻底的精疲力竭。那些日子总会让你感到自己的渺小和微不足道,每件事情似乎都够不着边。你根本无法振作起来。 Eve...

  • 【双语有声阅读】让我们微笑吧Let Us Smile

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