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听电影学英语-杯酒人生 03

时间:2011-05-02 02:26来源:互联网 提供网友:ov6581   字体: [ ]

  [00:02.10]They do a magnificent job there. 那一家真的做得很好
[00:05.30]- You talked to Wendy? - Just now. 你跟温蒂有联络?
[00:08.30]She's thrilled! And the twins... 刚刚才说的,她非常高兴 双胞胎也是
[00:09.58]No, no, I bet. I bet. Yeah. 不,当然是…我知道
[00:13.58]Well, you know, Jack1 is pretty eager to, uh, to get up to, um... 但是,杰克急着上…那个…
[00:17.54]Uh, but, yeah, absolutely. We'll see how it goes.
[00:17.90](Stammering) You know. 不过,当然,我们看看会怎么样
[00:26.46]Well, you boys do what you want. 你们已经有了自己的计划也可以
[00:26.66]I just thought it would be nice for us to be together as a family on my birthday. 我是想在生日的时候 有像样的家庭聚会也不错
[00:29.86]Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
[00:34.90]I'll be right back. 我马上回来
[01:40.14](Drawer Slides Closed)
[02:05.66]And what was that other one you did? 你还演过什么?
[02:08.66]The one where you were the jogger. 你那一次演的是一个慢跑的人
[02:09.66]Oh, that was for, um, Spray 'n Wash. 那是演《冲冲洗洗》的那一次
[02:12.26]Spray 'n Wash! That's the one! -就是《冲冲洗洗》 -天啊
[02:14.30]Gosh. I remember the girl that was in it with me. She was somethin'. 我记得那个和我一起演的女孩 她真是火辣
[02:18.98](Mrs. Raymond) I just remember you jogging. 我只记得你在慢跑
[02:21.98](Jack Laughing) Whoo-hoo!
[02:25.98](Mrs. Raymond) So, when's the wedding? 婚礼是什么时候?
[02:27.02]Next Saturday, Mom. Remember? We told you. 下个星期六,妈,记得吗? 我跟你说过的
[02:30.70]And Miles is my best man, Mrs. Raymond. My main man. 麦斯是伴郎,雷蒙太太 我的好兄弟
[02:33.70]Miles, when are you going to get married again? 麦斯,你什么时候要再婚?
[02:38.98]I just got divorced, Phyllis. 我才刚刚离婚,菲莉思
[02:42.46](Jack) Two years ago, buddy2. 那是两年前,兄弟
[02:43.14]You should get back together... 你应该和薇朵复合
[02:45.14]with Victoria.
[02:48.50]She was good for you. 她很适合你
[02:50.70]She was good for you! 她很适合你…
[02:53.18]And so beautiful, and so intelligent. 而且是那么的漂亮又聪明
[02:57.06]You knew her, right? 你认识她,对不对?
[02:59.06](Jack) Oh, yeah. Real well. Still do. 是,我们很熟,还有连络
[03:02.42]I'm worried about you, Miles. 我很担心你,麦斯
[03:08.30]Do you need some money? 你需要钱吗?
[03:13.78](Miles Whispering) Jack. (星期日)
[03:15.66]Jack. 杰克
[03:19.02]Jack, come on. 杰克,快起来
[03:25.70](TV: Man) A rubber bag food slinger3?
[03:30.70]Are you kidding me?
[03:32.74]Our super-amazing tree house...
[03:34.74]brought about by our two-by-four technology...
[03:37.74](Whispers) Jack! No, no, no, no. She'll wake up. 杰克,不要…她会醒的
[03:38.82]Who did this?
[03:40.82]- (Boy) I did! - (Man) What?
[03:43.86]She was tired, silly.
[03:45.86]Our ship was so high!
[03:47.86](Girl) They need a vacation!
[03:49.86]Hamster holiday! Fun for all!
[04:07.26]Fuck! Too early in the morning for that. You know what I mean? 那么早就看这个实在太刺激了 知道我的意思吗?
[04:10.82]Oh. She's a kid, for God's sake. 她是个小孩子,看在老天的份上
[04:12.58]As if she would even be attracted to guys like us in the first place. 好像她会被我们这种男人吸引一样
[04:15.58]Speak for yourself, man. I get chicks looking at me all the time. All ages. 你是说自己 我常被各年龄层女生看,也有男生
[04:21.14]Dudes too.
[04:23.14]Well, it's not worth it. You pay too big a price. 那不值得,要付出的代价太大了
[04:25.62]- It's never free. - You need to get laid, Miles. -不可能不付出代价的 -你需要性生活,麦斯
[04:30.22]- (Laughs) - That's gonna be my best-man gift to you this week. 这就是我这星期给伴郎的礼物
[04:32.30]I'm gonna get you laid. -我要让你和别人上床 -太棒了
[04:32.78]Wonderful. 我不送你礼券或小刀那种烂礼物
[04:37.26]I'm not gonna get you a gift certificate or a penknife or any of that other horseshit.
[04:40.66]You have been officially depressed4 for, like, two years now. 你已经沮丧了两年的时间
[04:40.86]- I'd rather have a knife. - No. -我还比较想要一把刀 -不
[04:45.90]You're a negative guy anyway, even back in college. 你本来就是个负面的人 在大学时代就是
[04:48.90]- Mm-hmm. - And now it's worse. 现在更糟糕了 你现在教八年级英文…
[04:50.90]You're wasting away. Teaching English to fucking eighth-graders? 根本是浪费 他们应该读你写出的东西
[04:52.38]When they oughta be reading what you wrote. Your books, Miles.
[04:55.38]- I'm working on it. - (Mutters) Not working hard enough. -你的著作 -我正在写
[04:58.02]- Are you still seeing that shrink? - I saw him on Monday. -你还在看那个心理医生吗? -我星期一去了


1 jack 53Hxp     
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
2 buddy 3xGz0E     
  • Calm down,buddy.What's the trouble?压压气,老兄。有什么麻烦吗?
  • Get out of my way,buddy!别挡道了,你这家伙!
3 slinger d142bf635dc8a7418e162946da3a6ef6     
投石者,吊物工人; 吊索
  • I'm Rockwall Slinger and this is Merlin Greeves. ' 我是罗克沃尔。斯林格,这位是默林。格里夫斯。” 来自新概念英语第二册
  • Remove the crankshaft oil slinger. 拆去曲轴抛油环。
4 depressed xu8zp9     
  • When he was depressed,he felt utterly divorced from reality.他心情沮丧时就感到完全脱离了现实。
  • His mother was depressed by the sad news.这个坏消息使他的母亲意志消沉。
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