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听电影学英语-当幸福来敲门 13

时间:2011-02-22 02:58来源:互联网 提供网友:qp3221   字体: [ ]

[00:09.44]- Did you see it? I lost my shoe. - No, I’m sorry. -你有没有看到?我的鞋 -没有,抱歉
[00:12.91]Hey. Hey, where are you going? 嘿,嘿,你要去哪里?
[00:16.48]- We should wait for the police. - I gotta go to work. -我们应该等警察来 -我得去上班
[00:20.09]Hey, you just got hit by a car. Go to the hospital. 你被车撞到,最好去医院
[00:24.16]I’m in a competitive internship1 at Dean Witter. 我是添惠证券公司的实习生
[00:38.27]Hey, man, you’re missing a shoe. 你少了一只鞋子
[00:40.14]Oh, yeah, thanks. Thank you. 是啊,多谢提醒哦
[00:50.05]Dad. 爸
[00:51.99]- You don’t have a shoe. - Yeah, I know. 你少了一只鞋子
[00:55.19]- Wanna know what happened? - Yeah. -你想知道发生什么事吗? -想
[00:58.99]I got hit by a car. 我被车子撞到
[01:00.70]- You got hit by a car? - Yep. -你被车子撞到? -对
[01:03.57]- Where? - Just right by the office. -哪里? -公司附近
[01:07.40]- No, where in your body? - Like, the back of my legs. -我是问你被撞到哪里啦? -我的脚吧
[01:10.67]- Hey, goodbye, Mrs. Chu. - Goodbye. 再见,朱太太

[01:12.71]- Where you on the street? - Yeah, I was running in the street. -你在街上吗? -对,我在街上跑
[01:16.08]Don’t do that. You can get hurt. 别乱跑,你会受伤耶
[01:19.31]Yeah, thanks. 谢了
[01:21.38]I’ll remember that next time. 下次我会记得的
[01:25.42]And here I was again. 我又来了
[01:27.02]- Show up early. - While qualified2 persons... -提早到公司 -挑选有潜力的客户
[01:29.89]...qualified persons are interested in investing and have money to invest. 他们是有兴趣投资的有钱人
[01:33.96]- Now, Chris. - Yes, sir. -克里斯 -是的
[01:36.06]Would you get me some coffee, please? 帮我倒杯咖啡好吗?
[01:38.30]Favors for Frakesh, our office manager. All day. 我成天都替我们的主管跑腿
[01:42.40]My name is Chris Gardner calling for Mr. Michael Anderson. 我是克里斯,我找安德森先生
[01:45.17]Yes, sir, we’re having a lunch actually this Thursday. 我们公司今天正好举行午宴
[01:47.81]Okay, next time. All right, I’m gonna hold you to that. 你下次一定要来哦
[01:50.91]Okay, yes, thank you. 好的,谢谢你
[01:52.45]Who wants to get me a doughnut? 谁要替我拿甜甜圈?
[01:54.02]- Chris? - Yes, sir. -克里斯 -好的
[01:59.12]Feeling underrated and unappreciated. 我觉得自己被低估被欺负
[02:02.59]Hello, Mr. Ronald Fryer. 您好,符先生
[02:04.33]Good morning to you, sir. My name is Chris Gardner. 早安
[02:06.83]I’m calling from Dean Witter. 我是添惠证券的克里斯
[02:08.40]Yes, I have some very, very valuable information on what’s called a tax... 我想跟您谈谈本公司的优惠

  [02:11.80]Okay, thank you, sir. 好的,谢谢您
[02:15.17]Then catch the bus by 4 to the place where they can’t spell "happiness." 四点赶到连“幸福”都拼错的 托儿所
[02:20.07]Then the cross-town. 然后搭公车
[02:22.44]The 22 home. 回到汽车旅馆
[02:25.48]- Hey, Chris! - Hey. Hi, Ralph. -嘿,克里斯 -嗨,赖夫
[02:28.32]- I’m waiting. - All right, I got that for you, Ralph. -我在等你的房钱 -没问题,我很快就会给你
[02:31.42]I’m gonna get that for you. 我很快就会给你
[02:41.66]Whoever brought in the most money after six months was usually hired. 业绩最好的实习生通常会被录用
[02:45.30]Hello, Chris Gardner calling for Mr. Walter Hobb. 你好,我找郝先生
[02:47.60]We were all working our way up call sheets to sign clients. 我们都从清单底下开始打电话
[02:50.87]- From the bottom to the top. - Yes, sir. 从低层人员到高级主管
[02:53.37]- From the doorman to the CEO. - Okay. 从门房到执行长
[02:56.85]They’d stay till 7, but I had Christopher. 大家都待到七点,我得去接小克
[02:59.68]I had to do in six hours what they do in nine. 必须在六小时内尽量打电话
[03:02.92]Good afternoon, my name is Chris Gardner. I’m calling from Dean Witter. 午安,我是添惠证券的克里斯
[03:06.25]In order not to waste any time... 为了不浪费时间
[03:08.06]...I wasn’t hanging up the phone in between calls. 我都不挂电话
[03:10.46]Okay, thank you very much. 好的,谢谢你
[03:14.13]I realized that by not hanging up the phone... 这样一来
[03:16.50]...I gained another eight minutes a day. 每天就多出八分钟
[03:18.67]Why, good morning to you, my name is Chris Gardner. 早安,我是克里斯
[03:21.10]- I’m calling from Dean Witter. - I wasn’t drinking water... 我也尽量不喝水
[03:23.84]...so I didn’t’ waste any time in the bathroom. 就不必上厕所
[03:26.07]Yes, I’d love to have the opportunity... 我很想趁这机会
[03:28.48]Okay, no problem at all, sir. Thank you very much. 没问题,谢谢你
[03:31.75]But even doing all this... 但是就算这样
[03:33.28]...after two months, I still didn’t have time to work my way up a sheet. 两个月后还是没什么进展
[03:50.60]We’re feeling really confident about that one as well.
[03:53.33]Walter Ribbon’s office. 执行长办公室
[03:54.77]Yes, hello, my name is Chris Gardner. I’m calling for Mr. Walter Ribbon. 我是克里斯,请接罗执行长
[03:58.14]- Concerning? - Yes, ma’am. 有何贵干?
[03:59.51]I’m calling from Dean Witter. 这是添惠证券公司
[04:01.04]Just a moment. 请稍等
[04:04.65]- Hello? - Mr. Ribbon. -喂? -罗先生
[04:06.58]Hello, sir. My name’s Chris Gardner. I’m calling from Dean Witter. 您好 我是添惠证券的克里斯

  [04:09.75]- Yeah, Chris. - Yes, Mr. Ribbon... -是的,克里斯 -罗先生
[04:11.69]...I would love to have the opportunity to discuss some of our products. 我想和你谈谈我们的理财方案
[04:15.29]I’m certain that I could be of some assistance to you. 一定会对你有帮助的
[04:17.93]Can you be here in 20 minutes? 你二十分钟内能赶来吗?
[04:21.06]- Twenty minutes. Absolutely. - Just had someone cancel. -二十分钟,没问题 -因为有人取消预约
[04:24.20]I can give you a few minutes before the 49ers. 现在来 我去看球赛前有一点时间
[04:26.50]- Monday Night Football, buddy3. - Yes, sir. Thank you very much. -周一美式足球赛 -好,谢谢你
[04:29.84]- See you soon. - Bye-bye. 待会见
[04:34.78]Excuse me. Thank you. 抱歉,谢谢
[04:37.08]- Chris, what’s up? - Hey, Mr. Frakesh. -你要去哪里? -裴先生
[04:38.85]Hey, do you have five minutes? 你有空吗?
[04:40.35]I got a green light from Walter Ribbon... 我正好要去见一位大客户
[04:42.25]I’m supposed to present commodities to Bromer. Could you move my car? 我没空,我要去做简报 请你帮我移车
[04:45.52]That’d really help me out. It’s on Samson, half block, silver Caprice. 车子就停在半个街口以外
[04:48.99]Just move it to the other side. They’re street sweeping4. There’s spaces. 只要移到对面,一定有停车位
[04:52.39]Hang on to these. I have backups in my desk. 拿去,我有备用钥匙
[04:55.16]And you have to jimmy that. 你得稍微摇一下
[04:56.86]- Jimmy what? - You have to jimmy the key. -摇一下什么? -钥匙呀
[04:59.07]And the other doors don’t unlock. You have to jimmy it. 另一边的车门被锁死 你得用力摇晃钥匙


1 internship oqmzJB     
  • an internship at a television station 在电视台的实习期
  • a summer internship with a small stipend 薪水微薄的暑期实习
2 qualified DCPyj     
  • He is qualified as a complete man of letters.他有资格当真正的文学家。
  • We must note that we still lack qualified specialists.我们必须看到我们还缺乏有资质的专家。
3 buddy 3xGz0E     
  • Calm down,buddy.What's the trouble?压压气,老兄。有什么麻烦吗?
  • Get out of my way,buddy!别挡道了,你这家伙!
4 sweeping ihCzZ4     
  • The citizens voted for sweeping reforms.公民投票支持全面的改革。
  • Can you hear the wind sweeping through the branches?你能听到风掠过树枝的声音吗?
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